“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
These are the lines said by Bruce Lee. This shows how powerful is the weapon of habit.
Habit can be defined as a required aptitude or inclination to a particular action, instilled by repetition. The mental mechanism of habits has been given to us to simplify the process of actions. Without its aid we would have to learn the same things again and again. For example, a doctor practices medicines again and again till he knows the cure of most of the diseases. If his habits were not formed, he would have to learn his basics again and again. Similarly, if we had no power of habit, then everyday we would have to relearn everything we do, even how to brush, take bath, eat, etc. In other words we will be like infants.
Therefore, habits are very important, but we misuse this precious gift. Habits are like a parrot; if we teach it good words, it will repeat the same again and again; but if we teach it abusive and insulting words, it will repeat these words taught, embarrassing everyone around. Same is the concept of habits. Good habits create harmony whereas bad habits ruin everything.
Habits are formed very slowly and gradually by repetition of an action. According to studies, it is said that normally an average person takes about 8 years to firmly establish a habit.
Therefore, it is said that childhood is the best time to establish a habit. Because during that period minds are like wet clay – they can be given the desired shape very easily.
But, is it so that habits cannot be changed? No. For instance, during rainy season crops grow easily and naturally but in other months also, by constant persistence and hard work crops grow beautifully. In the same way, habits can be formed and altered in adulthood too.
So how to change a habit? When you say no to temptation, you must mean no. Do not give in. Resisting temptations does not mean that you are giving up the pleasures of life, it simply means to have supernal control of our actions. Bad habits destroy health, happiness and even peace of mind. Therefore, we must strive to conquer bad habits.
I will end this article with some beautiful lines,
“Temptations are charming and strong, but you are stronger, because the image of God is within you. No matter how many times you fall you can rise again. But when you admit defeat, then you have lost. And lost is your peace and happiness. “