If You Want To Be Successful, Learn To Make More Moves, Less Announcement

Falak Abidi
Jul 09, 2021   •  107 views
  • The path to success is to take massive, determined actions”- Tony Robbins

  • Confucius said: “The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”

    Success is a product of taking massive actions in the right direction. If you want to be successful, you must learn to make more moves and fewer announcements. Keep your announcement secret until you know it is permanent; never announce your moves before you make them.

    Any fool can spout his mouth off about all the great things he does and how wonderful he is etc.

    The gap between decision and destination is action.I have observed that some people are so knowledgeable, but not successful. Do you really know what the missing link is? ‘ACTION!’ The key to success is massive action. I have realised in life that taking action is better than waiting for perfection. By acting, you would learn three critical things- ‘What works,’ ‘what doesn’t work’, and ‘what can be made better.’

    Cultivate the winners’ habit of taking actions and leave the talking to others. The best thing to do is to make silent moves and keep people on what you might do next. For every achievement that beats human imagination and for every giant stride, there are giant steps to take. Every goal is achievable if only we could take the right steps. Our actions today secure our future tomorrow.

    Dreams don’t fulfill themselves; the habit of putting ideas into action is the key to success. Take more actions and do less talking. You cannot build a reputation on what you are about to do. Take actions.Enough of talking; start taking actions. Take daily actions that would lead you to accomplishing your goals. Faith without any accompanying action is suspicious.

