Every great journey of any potential artist embarks with great sense of pain. In my opinion, it is this sense of loneliness and helplessness that ultimately moulds their creative personality. For in their darkest times, their most heart-aching moments, they find themselves entrapped in an inescapable pain, which first engulfs one’s body, then their mind and finally their soul. When life seems meaning less, everything pointless and each day becomes a burden, it is in those moments that they are truly able to realize their life’s meaning. When one has no hope, when one is drowning in the river of oblivion and has completely given up, only then can that person truly appreciate even the slightest ray of hope, the smallest log to latch on and simplest words of love and care.Pain is not a bad thing. It truly isn’t. It establishes the advent of great a change. Some of the greatest stories of the world, have in their principle theme – pain. Even when we are born, we come to this world delivering great pain to our mothers. Our life practically starts with pain! It is the first thing we experience and the last.

Pain has much greater role in life then we give it credit for. It is pain that teaches us to crawl, walk and finally run. For every mistake, every bad choice we experience pain. There is no alternative to it. Every change has some pain associated with it. When we learn to ride bikes, we initially fall and bruise ourselves. Some of us even give up. But those who don’t, learn a very important lesson that nothing worthwhile in life can be achieved until one embraces some pain, commits certain sacrifice and gives something in return. Life is truly being wicked, isn’t it?

