" A single sheet of paper cannot decide my future , said Thomas Edison.
We all have heard this famous quote before , but still we have dragged our body and mind to Ace a sheet of paper , By waking up at 5 am or by sleeping at 5 am , By understanding each and every concept or by just mugging up everything . We all have managed to atleast survive this hurricane called examination . But have you ever thought why we are huslting so hard to fill the sheet during examination ? Just for marks or for the greed of knowledge ? Let's know what this word "examination" actually mean and with how much pressure it hits the students .
Picture source :https://pin.it/4q63rq5jffkfkr
The board examination year is considered as the most crucial year in the life of every student Because they are teemed as the stepping stones for a bright and successful future.
But have you ever realized that this race is just to fill a piece of paper and score the best marks
This may benefit us in the short run but in the long run what matters the most is our knowledge
The greed to learn more, learn new things, to experiments is somewhere or the other oppressed by the pressure of marks .
Being a student i have a question to all the people out there,
What makes me a useful resource for the economy?
My skills, knowledge, confidence, ability to learn New things Ormy marks ?
Students should be given a cool and relaxed atmosphere, should not be compared to others.. sometimes just appreciation and motivation to their eveysingle hardwork can do wonders
Set them free while they are deciding their choice of subject or any further career line
Sachin Tendulkar would not have been a legend if his family would have forced him to stay away from what he always wanted to be .
Even Newton failed in his early life but yes his theories are still taught in schools.
Education is not what you score , it's what you understand .
Picture source : https://pin.it/wyrx7arujy56pf
It's more important to gain knowledge and understanding the world with deeper sense .
Marks won't last .... Knowledge will .
A sheet of paper would not change your future ,
but a good book can . So keep reading and keep learning .