India is a land of rich culture and history. Being one of the ancient civilizations, India has an abundance of myths and superstitions. Listed below are some of the supertitions that are still followed and practiced in India.

1) Black cat

The color black is related to Lord Shani and therefore most of the black things are considered inauspicious in India, especially the little meow meows. If a black cat ever crosses your path, wait for another person to pass. Why?? So that all the bad luck gets transferred and you're safe.

2) Cutting nails after sunset

"You had the entire day but no you want to cut your nails in the evening only" I bet most of you have heard this sentence and well, got a good scolding also. I'm still confused as to how hygiene can bring bad luck? Maybe luck likes dirty people more?

3) Sweeping the floors after sunset

It is said that Goddess Lakshmi arrives at our homes in the evening, therefore if we sweep the floors, it's almost the same as to shooing her away. Maybe that's why most of our maids are told to come in the morning and not after that?

4) Hanging Nimbu Mirchi to ward off evil eyes

According to popular believes hanging Nimbu Mirchi helps keep Alakshmi at bay. Alakshmi is just the opposite of Lakshmi and takes away our wealth (Ouch!) As she loves sour and hot things. So we hang these to keep her happy and away from us.

5) Making sure the shoes are intact

Many a times when we are in a hurry we just throw our shoes and continue our work, but that shoe if kept upside down or with one boot facing the left direction and another right, can cause fights. (As if we are very peaceful already?)

5) Breaking of coconut after purchasing a new car -

Popular customs have it that breaking a coconut after the purchase of a new vehicle helps keep all 'Bhoot Pret' away from it. This way no-body will be able to snatch off our beloved car from us. (Is it applicable for the thieves as well? I wonder!)

6) Number 13

The number 13 is omitted from most of the buildings and houses. It is considered very unlucky and a person having anything related to 13 will have a curse from God. (What about those having their birthdays on the 13th of a month then?)

7) Keeping Onions under the bed

Keeping Onions under the bed makes sure that you don't have a bad dream or even if you do no evil force can come and attack you directly in the night. Only if you are brave enough to tackle the smell though!

India is a unique place with unique traditions. Sometimes we all feel as if these customs are useless but then the thought of Satan destroying us with his evil powers comes to our mind and we return back towards "Grah Shanti Pooja".

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