
A picture captured farway, the moment of nature near at eye sight.

The photo was taken on a rainy day. The weather was raining with the dark clouds surrounding in the sky. The ground was wet with the rain and it appeared to be that the rain scared off the cat. The cat was on run searching for place to take shelter. After the rainfall has stopped the cat slowly came out lifting his paws to shake off the water sticking to its skin. The landscape looked like the place was to dry. The cat slowly sat on the wooden board. Beside the cat, a mushroom was growing on the wooden board due to the wet weather gracing its presence. Some mushrooms grows from soil and other type grows from wood. The wood kind of mushroom is not a edible one. Many mushrooms likes maybe growing in some other place.

It looked like cat was staring at the sky. The place which the cat was staying looks like a deserted part of the house. The place looks untouched leaving bottles, wooden board and tiles are lying on the floor. Looking at the cat, 'Did the cat starve during the rain'?. 'Did the cat felt the warmth without shivering under the rain?'. 'Where did the cat hide during the rain if not this place?'. There are many cats abandoned in the streets. Some may have grown up from the street without the shelter. They are living under the fear of the strangers. They fight for the food to survive. They continue to roam across the streets, buildings and various part of the markets.

