Dear ex turned bestfriend,
It started from your birthday
I wished you but
I didn't expect the conversation to continue.
Surprisingly it did.
It felt good but I was sure that the conversation would fade eventually.
This time, it didn't.
I started getting comfy around you and I know you felt the same
I complained about my weight and how I still don't take steps to reduce it
You boasted about your fitness , which probably I don't care at all !
I told you about my new crush and how he seems too vague about my feelings and
You pulled off the counsellor in you and gave me relationship and career advices.
I know that we aren't totally dependent on each other, but we liked hearing advices from each other, which we ignored at the end anyway !

We talked a lot as if we have been saving all these talks for 4 years.
We had some silly fights and you sticked around this time.
We reminisced about the good old times but we didn't end up feeling bad.
Tears didn't well up this time.
We got used to this and we stopped expecting.
We went with the flow.
We didn't look forward to conversations but when it happened, we didn't resist.
Some days we stayed up talking till 2 am
You are not my 2 am buddy,
We just filled the silence.
We grew to realise that we actually wanted to stay around each other which we mistook as "LOVE"
Now, it's been 2 days since you talked to me,
You know what,I miss you
I miss having that one person who lets me be myself,
to whom I can be a complete mess without worrying because I m done impressing you and there's no need to impress anymore,

to whom I can curse about relationships and still manage to say that I m happy as I got into one but

I m also worried that once again you would drift away and maybe this time it won't hurt much but still I would lose a person who didn't judge me so far.

Get me out of this dilemma.
Also I hope you already know that I ain't flirting or trying to patch up, without me mentioning it again.

Yours indifferently
Your troublesome ex.

