To All My Friends Whom I Haven't Texted Back

Aditya Nair
Apr 09, 2020   •  9 views

I'm not a poet, and this is not a poem

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, I'm sorry. I wasn't busy but I was confused, I wasn't engaged but I was lost.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, I'm sure you understand how it feels, and sounds.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, don't worry about me, and I'm sure you won't, you have better things to do.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, I saw your messages, at the very top of the stack, and read them too.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, it's an open secret why we act so, because it won't trigger an immediate endorphin rush, and we take each other for granted.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, we'd all much rather be texting someone else, someone who offers a far lusher conversation, and sits deified in our imaginations.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, worry not, they will be but a fleeting presence, I will always come back to you, to lie in the swaying hammock of your words, and I expect the same from you.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, life weighs us down, we all get it, and responding to texts feels banal.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, young and clueless we are, our sails catching errant winds, we'll get through, we hope.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, how privileged must we be to spout such sentences.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, why can't we have the deep, absurd, crass, intimate, sleazy, ruminative, emotional, disgusting, sensitive, sad conversations that deep down, we desperately crave.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, breaks are crucial to a conversation's survival, that isn't an excuse.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back, I know you'll understand, and give me space.

To all my friends whom I haven't texted back,

these lines are just for you

so are my weirdest thoughts

so are my contentious views

so are my tantrums

so are my idiotic questions

so are my deepest secrets

so are my breathless highs

so are my gloomy lows

so are my sleepless nights

so are my infantile complaints

so am I

And I love you.

