The Luanxiao Festival - Chinese New Year

Muskan Agarwal
Jan 27, 2019   •  11 views

Luanxiao or the Chinese New Year or best known as the Chinese Valentine's Day is one of the most intriguing holidays. It is celebrated on the 1st day of the first month of the Chinese calender. Thae date is never static. This year it falls on February 5th. Being so close to this date ,lets get our facts straight regarding this intriguing festival. (Just in case you are planning to celebrate your valentine's day differently.)

People celebrate this festival to welcome spring , bringing harvest, prosperity, new hopes, love and luck . This festival is the longest festival of China. Awestrucking dragon and lion dances , quality family time , getting RED Envelopes with loads of money fill the chores of the day.

According to old folklore, a gretosque monster by the name of Nian ,who lives in the benthic sea came out and fed on people and livestock once a year. The villaggers used to be devastated by the loss so they used to run to the mountains. One year a begger came to the village needing shelter .No one helped him lest for the kindness of an old woman who let him in her house. He said he would ward off Nian.

Night befell them and Nian came in all his might and to his surprise found the houses drapped in shades of RED and and abrupt firecrackers lit the starless night intimidating and horrifying him leading himbto escape. Next day villahers were very happy to find their homes safe.

In honour of this man's victory over Nian they celebrated this day and ever year henceforth with firecrackers and sparly red hues to ward off nian.

Decorating your. Homes with red on this eve signify the loss of evil . Firecrackers are very common occurrence in these times signifying prosperity , success and courage. Gifting children money in Red Envelope signify the trasfer of wealth from elders to youth.

FUN FACT :- Singles in China can and do hire dates to being home to thier parents on these day. (yeah .. you heard that right) . This day marks family time and starting family is a top mist priority to chinese people (talk about noisy neighbours) At least you have a date!!

Lanterns are lit all over the sky. Wine serving is regareded with honour and class. . Apparently it is traditional to serve momos at all meals durring the festive season. It is strictly forbidden to through the garbage or waste from your home. Dusting is prohibited. It is said this leads to drainage of wealth. ( lucky for all the lazy -arses) .

The streets are alluringly decorated with vibrant hues of red letting romance bloom in the air.

So here's all the knowledge you' ll be needing to celebrate a Chinese themed V Day!!!!!!!
Till then - Xin Nian Kuai Le in advance to all.

