There is nothing more. Rare ,nor more beautiful than a person being unappologetically herself ; comfortable in her perfect imperfection . To me that is the true essence of beauty. - Dr. Selve Manubli

To a beautiful soul , beauty is in everything. The flaws lies not in a the face of a person or their body but in our eyes. Our perception of beauty is so flawed that we are stiving for something which is unnatural. We loathe ourselves for not being perfect. We will never be perfect.

All that glitters is not gold
So why don't we try to be bold
This society is ice -cold
So to thier demands we
will No longer Mould.

We are not a peice of meat to be gawked at . We are human and with soulful minds and inherent goodness. That will make us beautiful not how thin your body is or how fair you are.

Instead of trying to live upto the norms of the society why don't we try to bask in the glory of our imperfection. Let's try to be the best version of ourselves so when someone really does fall for us they fall for our inner true charm and not the pounds of make-up on our face.

Lets be beningn and wise and kind . Confident in our own skin. Speak up your mind. Courage. Beauty lies not in the Eyes of the beholder but in the Insight of the Beholdee.

Embrace the fire in you , refine yiur your heart appreciate the beauty in others and before you even realise you will become what you always wanted to be. Beautiful.

