When life hits from all sides and you can't afford to manage multiple attacks simultaneously then chances are that you should develop a more courageous personality.

A few weeks ago I experienced a similar situation. I've always felt encouraged and been a very punctual and responsible person . But my workload had me sandwiched between exhaustion and excitement.

I had no time to focus on what I loved. Nobody to share what I was going through. I had no time to eat good food. I was subjected to suffocation. I felt depressed , bad and disturbed.

After 2 weeks of experiencing this pain , one day in the weekend I completely lost control and broke down. I couldn't lock up my emotions anymore. They began to flow like a broken dam. I wasn't resistant to pressure. I have always loved what I have done in life. But when it comes to doing something that you don't love , you'd feel the pain. The pain that pierces right into your heart for not giving your best at it despite of you not loving it.

I happened to get back to normal in a few days but those moments taught me great things in life.

I learnt not to procrastinate taking decisions and always think twice before engaging in some responsible work. I also owed myself that I'd love myself more and treat me like I treat all the other important people in my life.

Sometimes self-love is the best medicine that you can have.

I treated myself with some good food and dressed up the way I liked to and went on a shopping spree. Shopping is a therapy.

I also realized that my mind was constantly getting back to the overthinking business that it loved and in the end made me feel worthless.

But I ain't giving up this time. I decided to get back to the game with great attitude. I stepped into the court again ,hitting the balls stronger than ever. And now I'm a complete normal person with advanced planning and execution of work. I split up things that I could do everyday and those that I could do only on weekends and other holidays and I handle them quite efficiently.

If you ever feel low.. don't mourn at the losses that you faced. Look up to making a better you. A better version of yourself. A 2.0