Education is the manifestation of the perfection already exists in man–Swami vivekananda

What is Education?is Education is just all about marks ? for most it is not more than that . They want that their children should score high marks in exams. Nowadays Marks has become more important for parents .They want that child should score high marks students are forced to score high marks. If they fail to score high then most student suffer from depression and even many had commited suicide .on 30 April 2019 when student results declared due to less marks 19 students committed suicide .This is an incident Telangana.There are many such cases happened in india Do you know? India has the highest youth suicide rate in the world and the reason of this increasing suicide rate is the Education system of India which is worst and has spoiled the lives of manychildren.Many people forgot that the real meaning of education is to make a person capable in doing something making them independent. Education is that which help the person to identify their talents. ancient India the education was not much advance but they knew the real meaning of education they develop their students in all aspects mentally by teaching them shastras spiritually by meditation physically by training them with weapons like bow and arrow, sword. But later when the Britishers came they observe India they knew for ruling it they have to break the culture of India and they became successful in doing it is still going on. They introduced that system to control the people. They wanted that people should work under them and follow their orders. Now also this is happening still it is spoiling the students future teachers and institution are just focusing on marks not on skill . They should develop a child in all aspects they should develop skills self defense self confidence and good communication skills, these skills will make a student a better person in society. Students are taking study as a burden we can make our education system better. if we focus on the students skills this will make them productive and will also expand their mind this will help them to excel in their field of interests. We should focus on the development of our students in all aspects. In almost every foreign country skills are given more important than studies that's why their education system much more developed than the education system of our country. There education system is better as they focused more on practicals case studies and less on theories . Thisdevelop confidence and problem solving skills in the students this skills help the students in their field of interest whereas in India practical are less and theories are more .They doesn't teach how to learn instead the Education system of India focus on just mugging up the answers that's why most of the students are bored while studying.studies can be made intresting and that can be done If we focus on practicals than theories this will attract the students towards studies.

