If you’re wondering which book to read next, just skim through this article real quick and then you can read an amazing book. Sounds good?

Or if you’re wondering whether you should start reading at all, allow me to convince you to pick up a book as soon as possible.

On average, I spend more than half of my time reading, writing or thinking about what I want to read or write next. Frankly, it’s exhausting but worth it. I could tell you that it not only gives me knowledge but valuable insight but you knew that already. The thing is, and it took me years to realize this, that reading grounds me. My shortcomings don’t hit as hard because look how much Helen Keller struggled (The Story Of My Life, Helen Keller); success doesn’t have me strutting around boasting because I’m still not Peter Buffett level successful (Life Is What You Make It, Peter Buffett).

The best part of being a voracious reader is that I know exactly where to look for advice if I’m stuck. If I need to know more about depression or anxiety or a combination of both and I want to go beyond the statistics on the Internet, I reread Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig. Sometimes I even come up with reasons of my own to add to the list of all that I’m grateful for. On a similar note, reading The Man Who Couldn’t Stop by David Adam educated me more about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) than any amount of web-surfing could have done.

There’s more where that came from. The Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger “captures the essence of the eternal teenage experience of alienation.” (I just quoted someone but I can’t remember who, that’s a recurring problem with me.) The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy gives a mind-blowing account of people successfully implementing the subconscious healing’ concept. But honestly, I couldn’t get the hang of it. You might, though. Then there’s The Monk Who Sold Ferrari by Robin Sharma that uses a memorable fable to teach the reader practical and wise lessons about life.

Find a book that intrigues you, ignites the passion slumbering in you. If you’re inclined towards business, check out The Go-Giver by Bob Burg, John David Mann. It’ll change your perceptions towards the business world and you’ll gain value out of the experience. If you’re a writer, Reading Like A Writer by Francine Prose should interest you. It will open your eyes to what literary treasures we writers miss out on when we read a book just for facts or the storyline.

Choosing what to read is as important as the reading itself. And of course, buying a book but chucking it away halfway through out of sheer boredom isn’t conducive to learning, now is it?

