Loss : we all face losses in our lives. Some face the loss of money,some of time and some of persons.

But some losses really shake us ;they shake our conscience;they shake our heart;they shake our emotions and YES ; the shake our MENTALITY too. They are just hard to forget.

Hardly does someone know that he is going to confront a loss in the near future. What can be the biggest and deepest loss for someone? It's pretty subjective.

No matter how big and worthy our loss was; but we all have to subdue from that and accept that bitter truth. (I can recall the "THE BALL POEM" ,I read perhaps in 6th) One continues thinking about that in vain and nothing gets right. The lost thing doesn't come back. The intensity of the pain of the loss occurred is directly proportional to the intensity /importance of that thing which is lost. Sooner or later,we have to accept the loss.

We act fully childish when the loss had taken place. Whenever something is lost ;we think like if there were a cctv;this wouldn't have took place and similar thought come to our mind. But nothing turns right with procrastination. All we can do is just accepting that .

Let the time reveal whose loss it actually was..
