People run away from death, nobody wants to die. But is death really that bad? It puts an end to all your sorrows and sufferings. It gets rid of all the pain and agony of life. Life isn't easy, you are constantly stressed and worried. Would it then be so bad to end it all? Yes. Because we won't just be putting an end to the sorrows and sufferings we would be putting an end to the happiness, to the love, to the friendships and relationships that we have made this far. The friendships and relationships we develop over the course of time are way more important than the pain and suffering we experience. Its all about focusing your energy on the right thing.

People are suicidal and yes sometimes the world can be a very difficult place to live. But it has beautiful things too. We have calamities like earthquakes and floods and tornados but at the same time we have trees, the first rainfall, flowers and above all human beings. We all have way many reasons to live than we have to die. We just have to look in the right place. Life isn't easy because it isn't supposed to be easy. You are given your fair share of pain and happiness. You just have to get through the pain, fight it and continue to live happily. You cannot beat death, no one can. But you can live before death comes for you. And don't live for your parents or your friends live for yourself because when death comes you won't have much of a choice.You should not give yourself up completely for someone else because that in itself is death. A healthy balance is to be maintained between the care you give yourself and others.By maintaining this balance only can we live life peacefully.

One cannot escape death, just hope that you get to die peacefully without having to endure pain during the last few moments of your life. Now I don't believe that life flashes past your eyes when you are about to die. I think that when you are about die you think of everything you wanted to do but were too afraid to or busy to do. Death is not scary but dying while you are still alive to hold yourself back, to not do something because other people might not like it, that my friends is death. So live your life to the fullest and wait for your turn because in the end we will all become a part of this earth.



Profile of Zeenat Khan
Zeenat Khan  •  5y  •  Reply
Amazing article hey please do check my articles
Profile of Jhanvi Shah
Jhanvi Shah  •  5y  •  Reply
thanks a lot will do