Protein: Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, followed by carbs & fat meaning that it will help keep you full & decrease appetite thus allowing you to create a calorie deficit “easier”. Furthermore, as the most thermogenic macronutrient, a large proportion of the kcals from protein are burned off via digestion . Finally, higher protein intakes repeatedly outperform low/moderate ones for preserving LBM & reducing fat under periods of kcal restriction thus increasing protein intake is highly advised. Pics = some high protein yet low fat/kcal options perfect for a diet.
Volume: A large part of feeling full is related to gastric distension taking place i.e. the amount your stomach is filled/pushed out. Therefore foods high in VOLUME with minimal kcals can aid in stretching your stomach & signalling the mechanoreceptor neurons in the stomach to tell your brain that you are full & thus stimulating the termination of a meal . Studies even show that those who opt for high volume, low energy density foods will sig. decrease hunger & desire to eat vs those who don’t . Pics = some great high volume food examples with minimal kcals perfect for a diet
Low calorie: Self-explanatory (I hope). As fat loss requires a calorie deficit , foods with the lowest calories can help you create said deficit duh. Pics = some of the lowest kcal foods on this planet thus perfect for a diet.
Caffeine: For something that has ZERO calories, caffeine can be advantageous as it has shown to have a slight acute appetite suppressing effect .
can thus be beneficial however avoid overconsuming them as you may build up a tolerance
Extras: For those on poverty macros, sugar free gums, syrups, sodas etc. can all also be of use to aid reducing kcal intake if used instead of more energy dense options along with “curbing” your appetite.