We have created a list of 1431 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter E. This is Page 4 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Ellena: One who is the most beautiful women, full of light
Ellene: A bright and shining light, deep inner sense; beautiful
Ellenmae: A foreign element who are variant of Ellen meaning light
Ellenor: A bright, shining light, They are God of the light
Ellenora: One who is from a foreign land, sun ray; God is light
Ellenore: A foreign individual, versatile and creative
Elleny: They are happy people, form of Helen which means bright
Ellery: One who came from Demeter, an Earth Lover
Ellesa: One who came from Alyssum flower
Ellesha: A bountiful God, salvation
Ellessa: One with a noble, charming and friendly nature
Ellesse: One who is stable and loves family
Elletta: A magical Elf with powers
Ellette: A little, magical Elf
Ellexis: One who is born to create harmony
Ellfreda: One who is very powerful, an Elf
Ellfredda: One who has the power of a powerful Elf
Ellfreeda: A born Elf or a magical counsel
Ellfrida: A powerful and magical creature, an Elf
Ellfrieda: A magical and powerful counsel
Ellfryda: The one who has magical strength
Ellfrydah: One who has massive power and strength
Elli: A kind and devoted individual
Ellia: One who gives out Light
Elliana: The almighty god has answered
Ellianna: Answer to God's prayers
Elliauna: One who is born out of Sun
Ellice: Jehovah is the ultimate God
Ellicia: Blissful God provides salvation
Ellie: God is the guiding light
Ellieana: An answer to God's prayers
Elliette: Jehovah is the God almighty
Ellika: One who cannot be defeated
Ellin: The soothing ray of Sun, foreign element
Ellina: The entire world, the bright and shining one
Ellinette: A generous person, torch
Ellinor: One who is filled with bright daylight
Ellinore: One who considers Jehovah as God
Elliot: One who belongs to the God
Elliotte: One who came from the God
Ellisha: Another Greek form of Elijah
Ellisia: God provides salvation and peace, blessed isles
Ellisif: Consecrated to god.
Ellissa: One who provides satisfaction and comfort
Elliw: Name of a color, over sensitive nature
Ellma: God provides protection, an apple
Ellmeera: One who is like an aristrocratic lady
Ellmera: An aristrocratic lady
Ellmeria: One who is like an aristrocratic lady or a Princess
Ellois: One who is famous in war
Elloise: One who is famous in a war
Ellon: One who is passionate and loves freedom, bright
Ellora: Clouds, Also name given to cave temples in India
Ellorie: Salvation provider
Ellory: One who is filled with joy and hapiness
Ellot: One who is blessed with charming nature
Ellota: An easy going and social person
Ellowyn: One who is the source of creation
Ellsa: Exalted, God acts as an oath
Elly: The one who is born to spread light
Ellyce: Elijah's Greek form, compassionate
Ellyda: The one with creative and restless nature
Ellyn: Like Helen, a beautiful woman
Ellyse: The individual who likes harmony
Ellysia: A reason, one who is from heaven
Ellyson: The one who is Ellis's son
Elma: One who is sweet like an apple
Elmedina: A variant of Almedina, meaning one who is devoted to faith or civilized
Elmeena: One who has intimidating fame, helmet
Elmeera: A noble Princess
Elmeeria: A beautiful aristrocratic lady
Elmena: Lady with indimidating fame
Elmera: One who excels, likable person
Elmeria: One who is social, likable and friendly
Elmerya: One who has a noble heart
Elmina: Intimidating and famous person
Elmira: Noble and kind hearted person, a born princess
Elmyra: An imaginative and idealistic person, noble
Elmyrah: A wise aristrocratic lady
Elna: A creative as well as creative person
Elnara: People, country, nation
Elnora: One who is born to spread light
Eloa: Goddess in Brazilian language.
Elodia: One who is prospeous and rich
Elodie: One who is filled with riches and fortune
Eloisa: Another form of Louise, healthy and wide individual
Eloise: A healthy and wide individual
Elok: A beautiful woman, or jewel.
Elom: A healthy and wise individual, wide one
Elonso: An individual who is like Oak tree, bright one
Elorah: God has given the Laurel, god helps
Eloriah: One who is truthful and faithdul
Elota: One who wears the crown of victory
Elouise: Variant of Eloise, powerful warrior
Elowen: One who is powerful like an Elm tree
Eloxochitl: The magnolia flower.
Elpida: One who is filled with hope
Elpis: Hope
Els: One who loves to experiment
Elsa: God who provides satisfaction, truth
Elsabe: the meaning of this name is god is a vow or my god is in abundance.
Elsabeth: this name means that god is a vow.
Elsbet: Estonian form of Elizabeth. It means one who is pledged to god.
Elsbeth: this means one who is pledged to god.
Else: this is used as an abbreviation of Elisabeth or it can also mean one who is noble.
Elsea: this means one who is devoted to god or is pledged to god.
Elsha: this means noble by birth.
Elsi: this means my god is a vow.
Elsie: this means noble by birth or god is bountiful.
Elsinore: Name of Hamlet's castle
Elsje: righteous or noble.
Elske: Used for as a shorter version of Elizabeth meaning god is my oath.
Elspet: this means someone who has been chosen by god or someone who is devoted to god.
Elspeth: this is the Scottish form of the name Elizabeth which means god is my oath or chosen by god.
Elswyth: this means elf from the willow trees.
Elsy: this basically means god is my oath.
Elthia: this means a healer.
Eltje: Of noble kind
Elton: this name means someone who is god's fighter.
Elts: Joined with God
Elu: this name means someone who is full of grace.
Elueua: this means someone who is mentioned in the old biblical testament with a lot of grace.
Eluiua: this means god is my helper.
Eluiue: this means a graceful person.
Eluned: the meaning of this name is idol, image or saint.
Eluta: Deep wisdom
Eluyua: this means a bright light or a ruler who is wise and very bright
Elva: this name basically means a elfin
Elvah: this name means elf power or magical power.
Elvan: this name basically means colours.
Elveena: a good friend of the elves is described by this name.
Elvena: this means someone who is a friend of the elves or a friend
Elvenia: the meaning of this name is elf or magical being or friend.
Elvera: this name means white or truth.
Elveva: the meaning of this name is elfin or elf leader.
Elvi: this name means noble friend.
Elvia: this name means noble and faithful or elf.
Elvie: this name means good noble friend or elfin or good elf.
Elvina: this name means elf or magical friend or noble being.
Elvine: this name means good elf or magical being or friend.
Elvinia: this name means elfin.
Elvira: this name means white.
Elvire: this name means someone who is white or fair.
Elvisa: this name means healthy and safe.
Elvita: this name means truth.
Elviva: this name means trustworthy or alert or white.
Elvyne: this name means good elf.
Elwine: this name means a friend of the elves.
Elwira: this name means white.
Elwisia: this name means healthy and sound.
Elyanna: this name means my lord has answered.
Elyannah: this name means lord is my god or light or moon.
Elyce: this name means Elijah or god is my oath or Jehovah is god.
Elyenora: this name means light.
Elyn: this name means foreign or sun rays.
Elynn: this means light or most beautiful woman.
Elynor: this means bright or shining over all or god is my light.
Elyon: this name means Jehovah is my god.
Elysa: this name means someone from the blessed isles.
Elysabeth: this means the god of plenty or mother goddess of oath.
Elysant: this name means an Elizabethan Saint.
Elyscia: this name means salvation is god or noble and honourable.
Elyse: this name means someone who is pledged to god.
Elysia: this name means blissful.
Elysian: this name means someone who is blessed or struck by lightning.
Elyssa: this name means my god is my oath.
Elysse: this means someone from the blessed isles.
Elyta: this name means winged.
Elyvia: this name means olive tree.
Elyza: this name means god is perfection or god is my oath.
Elyzabel: this name means pledged to god or oath is my god.
Elyzabeth: this name means my god is abundance or oath is my god.
Elyzée: My God is an oath.
Elza: this is a form of Elizabeth or can also mean god is my joy
Elzbieta: this means my god is bountiful or god of plenty.
Elzie: this name means that my god is my vow.
Elzina: this name means woman or god is my oath.
Em: this name means whole or complete.
Em?ke: this name means someone who is hardworking.
Ema: this means serious or grandmother or nurse or Wife of Jarl.
Emaan: Victorious, Pious; God Fearing; Devoted to God; Faith in religion
Emagine: it means image of her mother or innocent or blameless.
Emalee: the meaning of this name is industrious or striving.
Emalei: this name means one who is industrious or hard working.
Emaline: this name means laborious or eager or peaceful home.
Emallie: this name means rival or hard working.
Emalyn: this name means peaceful home or little rival.
Eman: this name means faith or belief.
Emanita: this name is a combination of two names emily and anita.
Emanuela: the literal meaning of this name is god be with us.
Emanuell: this name means god is with us or faith.
Emanuelle: this name depicts the feminine form of the Messiah or faith.
Emanuelly: A variant of Emmanuella, meaning God is with us.
Emarejedje: The elderly also run for life
Emarie: this name means someone who is faithful.
Emayn: this name means peaceful home.
Embe: this name means burnt coal.
Ember: the meaning of this name is coal that is burnt.
Emberlee: this name means smouldering or fiery meadow.
Emberley: this name means spark or low flame or burning coal.