We have created a list of 1431 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter E. This is Page 7 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Esteri: a Finnish word which means star.
Esterina: strong and vital.
Esther: Sweet, Star; Planet Venus; The Babylonian goddess of love; Fifth Century Queen of Persia
Estralita: a Spanish word meaning little star.
Estrangia: mother of a famous bishop.
Estrella: a feminized word meaning star.
Estrellita: a word which is feminized and has the meaning star.
Estrid: a beautiful goddess.
Estrild: it means battle.
Estrildis: a star battle or a beloved mistress of King Locrinus.
Estrith: a royal person of Norway.
Esty: a feminized Hebrew word which means star.
Eswari: wife of lord Shiva, a name used in India.
Eswary: a feminized Indian name which means Parvati or wife of Lord Shiva.
Eszter: a Hungarian word meaning star.
Eszti: a femininized Hungarian word which means star.
Eta: a feminized word meaning shining.
Etalpalli: Nahuatl word for wing.
Etapalli: Wing
Etapatra: dappled leaves.
Etasa: shining dappled horse or one who desires.
Etelvina: a noble friend.
Etenia: the wealthy.
Eteri: The name means air in Georgian language
Eternity: infinity or forever.
Etha: noble or honourable in old English.
Ethel: a German feminized word meaning noble.
Ethelda: a teutonic word meaning wise advisor.
Etheldred: Noble strength
Ethelene: somebody honourable and noble.
Ethelinda: Noble serpent
Ethelinde: intelligent or noble serpent.
Ethelyn: an Old English word for noble.
Ethill: a German word meaning noble.
Ethiopia: a name of a country.
Ethmer: a teutonic word meaning noble or friend.
Ethna: it means graceful.
Ethne: a Gaelic word for fire.
Ethney: a Celtic word meaning fire.
Ethnie: a feminized word which means fire.
Ethyl: a feminized old English word meaning noble.
Ethylene: an archaic old English word which means noble.
Ethyll: an ancient word of Old English which has the meaning noble.
Eti: it means ending or conclusion.
Etiennette: French feminized form of the word Stephen meaning crown.
Etisha: Beginning after the end.
Etna: the name of a 5th century Irish saint.
Etoile: a French feminized word meaning star.
Eton: an old river town.
Etsudo: a Japanese name meaning joy and child.
Etta: a German word meaning the little one.
Ettard: in the Arthurian legend the lover of Palleas is known by this name.
Ettare: according to Arthurian legend the lover of Palleas.
Ettarr: a surname which means lover of Palleas.
Etti: myrtle or bride or star.
Ettie: a word which means a star or bride or myrtle.
Ettra: a queen of beauty.
Etty: a Persian name meaning star.
Eua: to breathe.
Euanthe: Blooming, flowery
Eubank: an Anglo-Saxon surname possibly referring to the Yew's banks.
Eucabeth: One who is great.
Eudocia: highly regarded.
Eudokia: to be well pleased or to be satisfied.
Eudora: good gift.
Eudosia: a Greek word meaning highly regarded.
Eudotia: someone who is held in high regard like a good gift.
Eudoxia: a Greek word for someone who is held in high regard or a good gift.
Eufemia: to speak or to declare or words of good omen.
Eufemme: a Spanish word meaning good omen.
Eufemmia: good omen.
Eufrasia: she who is full of joy.
Eufrozina: mirth or merriment.
Eugena: a feminized name meaning well born or noble.
Eugeneia: Ancient Greek feminine form of Eugene. It means well born.
Eugenia: aristocratic or noble by birth.
Eui: Righteousness
Eula: good speaking or wealthy or gem of the sea or sacred red
Eulah: somebody who is very sweet spoken or is like a gem of the sea.
Eulalie: a French word meaning sweet spoken.
Eularia: somebody who is very soft spoken or speaks very sweetly.
Euletta: a soft spoken or swee spoken person.
Eulia: the name of a saint or a soft and sweet spoken person.
Eumelia: Melody
Eun: Silver
Eun Ae: Grace with love
Eun Jung: Grace and affection
Eun-Kyung: A graceful gem.
Euna: lamb or hunger.
Eunice: good victory.
Eunicia: a word in Greek which means good victory.
Eunike: Greek form of Eunice. It means good victory.
Eunisia: a Latin word meaning good victory.
Euodia: sweet fragnance.
Euphemia: auspicious speech or good repute.
Euphrasia: good cheer.
Euphrasie: French word meaning good cheer.
Euphrates: The great river
Euphrosyne: mirth or merriment in Greek.
Eupraxia: Good conduct
Eura: justice.
Euridice: wide justice.
Euroa: a place in Australia.
Europa: Mother of Minos.
Eurydice: Wife of Orpheus.
Eurydike: Wide justice
Eurythmia: rhythmic or well proportioned.
Eusebia: it means pious.
Eustacia: somebody who is fertile or frutiful or productive.
Euthalia: Flower or Bloom
Euthymia: Feminine form of Euthymius. It means in good spirit.
Eutropia: Feminine form of Eutropios. It means versatile.
Eutychia: Feminine form of Eutychios. It means fortunate.
Eva: life or living one.
Evabelle: beautiful breath of life.
Evadne: a Greek word for good.
Evaleen: a form of life.
Evaleigh: the juniper tree.
Evalie: trying to equalize or rival.
Evalina: it means to live.
Evaline: it is a name which denotes life.
Evalyn: a feminized name which means life or to live.
Evalyse: a combination of two names eva and elyse.
Evandra: powerful woman.
Evanee: young fighter.
Evanesca: an event that fades away.
Evangalista: good messenger.
Evangelia: bringer of good news.
Evangelica: gospel or good news or tidings.
Evangelina: a good gospel.
Evangeline: a good news or a good gospel.
Evangelique: a Latin word for good news or gospel.
Evangeliya: Bulgarian feminine form of Evangelos, meaning messenger
Evangelos: a Greek word for a messenger who brings good news.
Evania: goodness or peaceful or a good fighter.
Evanna: a female fighter who is young and good.
Evanne: a female young fighter who is equally good.
Evanora: a gift of god.
Evanshi: it means similarity.
Evanthe: a Greek word for flower.
Evanthia: nice rosebud or blossoming flower.
Evany: youthful warrior.
Evdokia: pleasure or delight or to seem well.
Evdokiya: Good glory
Evdoxia: somebody of good fame or reputable.
Eve: the first woman on earth.
Evea: the juniper tree in Greek language.
Evedene: a name which means a juniper tree or good luck,
Eveleen: life or living or lively or hazelnut.
Evelia: a Spanish word meaning life,
Evelien: a Latin word which has the meaning life.
Eveliina: a word which means to live or having life.
Evelin: a feminized word which signifies life or to live.
Evelina: the action of breathing or living life.
Eveline: to breathe or to live.
Evelyn: a Hebrew name which means to breathe or live or life.
Evelyne: a name which means to live.
Evelynn: this name means to peacefully live and have a life.
Evelynne: this is a spelling variation of a famous name which means to live or life.
Evening: the dusk or time of the day when the sun sets.
Eventide: The time of evening, evening
Everallin: a 3rd century historic figure.
Everill: a feminized form of a 7th century saint's name.
Everine: an English surname but sometimes also used as a name.
Everita: a feminized word meaning strong and sturdy.
Everle: from the boar's meadow.
Everlee: somebody who is from the boar meadow.
Everleigh: a German word meaning someone from the meadow of boars.
Everley: a German word for someone who is brave and sturdy like a boar.
Everly: a word which describes a strong and sturdy person like a boar.
Everlynn: strong or sturdy like a wild boar.
Everlyse: always devoted or consecrated to god.
Evermoore: always or eternal or everlasting.
Evermore: something which is everlasting or eternal.
Evernie: beyond the other side.
Evette: A little living one
Evgenia: She who is born as a good person
Evgeniya: A woman who is good by burth
Evi: One who breathes and lives
Evia: She is breathing and living
Evian: A French word for a Spa
Eviana: A woman who lives and breathes
Evianna: A breathing and living girl
Evie: A girl who lives and breathes
Evièka: A form of Eve, meaning alive or living.
Evienne: The mother of everything that lives
Evika: A little one who gave life to everything
Evike: She gave life to everything
Evil: One who is not a good person, an evil one
Evinka: A form of Eve, meaning alive or living.
Evis: A living woman
Evita: Deminutive of Eva, means a mother of all that lives
Evka: The mother of life
Evlin: A youthful woman
Evlyn: A woman who is youthful in looks and spirits
Evnika: Kazakh form of Euneike, meaning good victory
Evniki: A victory of good
Evolet: A combination of names Eve-living and Violet - color purple
Evon: Born of the yew, Yahweh is gracious; Variant of a Gaelic name anglicized as John
Evonne: English version of Ivo, meaning yew