We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 7 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Abiyram: My lord is of high esteem
Abiz: A flame of fire or a spark
Abizer: Father of Wealth, richness
Abjayoni: Born of the Lotus, Another Name for Brahma
Abjit: Conquering Water
Abkar: One who is born first, who is on time
Ablagh: Who is most effective and perfect
Ablaj: A lucid person, very brilliant
Ablamar: A bright, lonely and accepting being
Abnar: A Biblical name, meaning father of light. A spelling variation of Abner.
Abnash: That Cannot Be Destroyed
Abnat: The strength or the courage
Abner: The father of light
Abnus: A dark colored wood that do not sink, ebony
Abo: Father, Short form of name Abott
Aboagye: One who is powerful and complete.
Abolfazl: Father of virtue
Abott: The father or the priest
Aboud: To worship or a place to worship, a place in Palestine
Abqar: A fairyland, wonderful, amazing
Abraam: Georgian form of Abraham, meaning father of multitude
Abrad: A coolest person, or the coldest
Abrahah: Father of masses
Abraham: Father of a multitude
Abrahan: Brazilian version of Abraham, meaning father of multitudes.
Abrahm: The father of many
Abraj: One who has big and beautiful eyes
Abrak: A person who is most blessed
Abram: A form of Abraham
Abramo: high father, father of a multitude
Abrams: An exalted father or high father
Abramson: The son of an exalted father
Abran: Father of the multitude
Abrar: A pious or a god-fearing person
Abrash: A spotted person, a dotted person
Abrasha: Yiddish form of Abraham, meaning Father of a multitudes.
Abrax: The great archon from mythology
Abraxas: The great chief magistrate or archons, a God from Egyptian mythology
Abraz: The most distinctive or prominent person
Âbréhan: Norman form of Abraham, meaning father of multitudes.
Abrik: Precious Like Gold
Abril: Open
Abriz: The purest form of gold, or the raw gold
Abrohom: Assyrian form of Abraham, meaning father of a multitude.
Abronoma: Dove
Abs: The God of peace or the father of peace
Absaar: The vision or the sight or the power of seeing
Absalom: Hebrew meaning God the Father is peace
Absalon: God the Father is peace
Absar: The perception or the vision or the intellect
Absham: A scented tree or a tree that has fragrance
Absi: To frown or the frowning
Absko: Power and strength
Absolom: My father is peace
Abt'hi: The one who lives in Abtah
Abtal: A brave person, or a hero
Abtar: In Sanskrit it meant the incarnation of a deity. In Arabic it means someone who is without progeny
Abtin: One who is of good deeds or with good thoughts
Abtum: The creator of plentiful waters.
Abt'hi: One who lives In Abtah, a place near Makkah.
Abu: The father of, one who is father of something
Abu al Khayr: One who does good
Abu al khayr: One who does good
Abu ali: father of Ali, or father of an elevated person
Abu bakr: Name of one of muhammad's companions
Abu-Zar: Name of a great companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
Abuabdullah: The father of the servant of Allah
Abuahmad: Father of the holy praised person
Abuali: Father of a highly esteemed person
Abualkhayr: One who always does good
Abuamr: Father of the life or father of the enliven
Abuayyub: The father who will repent to Allah
Abubakar: Arabic - Father of young camel
Abubakr: The father or the owner of young camel, the companion of Prophet Muhammad, the first Caliph of Muslim.
Abubashir: A father of one who brings good news
Abuchi: A Nobel God or the nobility of a God
Abudalamah: The one who is the father of blackness
Abudarda: Father of a toothless woman
Abudaud: father of a beloved person
Abudawaniq: A father of a kid weighing 2 carats
Abudawud: Father of the beloved and closest companion
Abufiras: Father of a lion or father of a lion hunter
Abufiruz: The father of a triumphant person
Abughalib: The father of a dominant person or a conqueror
Abuhabib: Father of the most beloved friend
Abuhafs: The father of a lion cub
Abuhamzah: The father of a strong and steadfast person
Abuhanifa: The father of a true believer
Abuhanifah: The father of one who believes in Islam
Abuhassan: The father of a handsome Boy
Abuhazim: The father of one who regulates others
Abuhisham: Father of a noble or generous person
Abuhurairah: Father of a little kitten or a cat
Abuhurayrah: The father who has a little kitten
Abuidris: father of an interpreter
Abuishaq: Father of a righteous person who is on good deeds
Abujafar: Father of a stream or a rivulet
Abujahl: The father of ignorance, one who is highly ignorant
Abujurayj: A successful, kind and is endless
Abukathir: Father of abundant person
Abul: The servant or the servant of
Abul khayr: One who does good
Abul-khayr: The servant of one who always does good
Abulabbas: The servant of Abbas or the lion
Abulahab: The servant of father's brother or uncle
Abulaina: The father of a beautiful eyed woman
Abulala: The father of the superior person
Abulasshab: The father of a master
Abulaswad: The father of Aswad or black
Abulbarakat: The father of the blessings
Abulbashar: The father of a humans or mankind
Abuldunya: The father of the worldly life
Abuldurr: The father of pearl
Abulfadl: The servant of a gracious person
Abulfaraj: The servant of cure
Abulfath: The father of the victory
Abulfazl: The father of virtue
Abulhaija: The father of battle or war
Abulhaisam: Father of a strong man
Abulhasan: Father of a good looking person
Abulhassan: One who is father of a handsome person
Abulhawari: Father of an apostle or a follower
Abulhusain: father of a good or handsome man
Abulhusayn: A handsome Boy's father
Abulkalam: A father of eloquent person
Abulkhair: Father of a virtuous person
Abulkhayr: Father of a person who do good work
Abulmahasin: Father or merits or virtues
Abulmahzurat: Father of a scare-crow
Abulmasakin: Father of a poor person
Abulmughayyis: The father of one who saves others
Abulmusawir: The father of a creator or designer
Abulqasim: The father of one who shared or distributes
Abulsaid: The father of a happy or lucky person
Abultayyib: The father of a pleasant or good natured person
Abululu: The father of a little pearl
Abulwafa: The father of faithfulness
Abulward: The father of flowers or roses
Abulyumn: Father of good fortune or success
Abulyusr: The father of ease or comfort
Abulzinad: The father of a decoration
Abumahzoorah: A companion of Prophet Mohammad
Abumalik: The father of the king
Abumasood: Father of a fortunate or prosperous person
Abumuhammad: The father of the choicest person
Abunasr: Father of the victory
Abundrah: A very sensitive and prospersous being
Abusaeed: A dignified person's father
Abusahl: Father of a person who is without difficulties
Abushaybah: Father of a aged person
Abutalha: The father of a huge tree
Abutalib: Father of a knowledge seeker or student
Abutayyib: Father of a virtuous or pious person
Abuubaidah: Father of a servant of Allah
Abuyazid: Father of growth or progress
Abuyousuf: Father of something increased by God
Abuzar: Father or owner of wealth
Abuzeid: Father of a prosperous person
Aby: Father of multitude or masses
Abyad: The narrator of Hadith
Abyan: The more eloquent or a clear person
Abyasa: Clever
Abyaz: The white color or the bright or pure
Abygayle: One who is the father of many people
Abzar: Powerful, Mighty; having great power and authority
Abzari: One who sows, seeds or spices
Acacio: The lord holds adam - the first man
Acalan: A small narrow and long rowing boat
Acalapati: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Acalendra: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Acalesvara: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Acamapichtli: A handful of reeds or long grass
Acananas: Understanding, expressive and humble being
Acanda: Not of the Hot Temper, Without Anger; Gentle; to ennoble; Kind; amiable
Acanthus: Thorn
Acarya: Guru, Teacher; Another Name for Drona; Learned and skilled to train
Acaryanandana: Son of the Teacher, Son of Learned person; Derivative of Acarya
Acaryasuta: Son of the Teacher, Son of Learned person; Derivative of Acarya
Acaryatanaya: Son of the Teacher, Son of Learned person; Derivative of Acarya
Ácatl: A giant reed
Accalon: Lover of Morgan le Fay
Accerly: A hopeful and truth loving person, Oak meadow
Acchindra: Flawless, Uninterrupted; Perfect; Absolute; Thorough
Acchoda: Limpid Water, With Clear Water; Refers to a river
Acchundra: Name of a passionate and kind king
Acchutan: One of many names of Lord Vishnu,
Acciai: The occupational name for one who hold axe or who work with axe
Accola: Neighbor or to live near.
Accolon: One who is from the mother of God
Accursio: To hasten
Ace: One, one unit
Acer: means Unity in Latin, A variant of name Ace
Acha: The holly bushes or plants
Achaikos: Achaikos is the ancient Greek form of Achaicus. It refers to a region in Greece names Achaia.
Achal: Constant, Steady; means firm and constant like a mountain
Achalapati: One who is the owner of immovable property
Achalendra: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Achalesvara: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Achalraj: Himalayan Mountain, King of Himalayas; Lord of Mountains; Name form of Lord Shiva
Achanda: A cool-minded person, not angry