We have created a list of 1431 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter E. This is Page 2 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Edwardine: Wealthy defender, they are guarding the property
Edwardyne: One who is wealthy defender
Edweena: Rich in friendship, one who has aged like wine
Edwena: Wealthy friend, one who has a rich heart
Edwiena: Rich in friendship, onw who cares a lot
Edwige: Refuge from war, they are independent and confiden
Edwina: A successful friend, a rich and wealthy friend
Edwinc: Warrior, one who has varied experiences
Edwinna: Good friend, one who is rich in friendship
Edwyna: A valuable and wealthy friend
Edy: Who can strife for wealth
Edye: One who is attractive and well mannered
Edyna: One who came from edinburgh
Edyta: A rich present, one which is efficient
Edyth: A rare and wonderful gift
Edytha: A neat and wealthy present
Edythe: The gifts or possessions won after the war
Edyva: Luxirious and costly presents
Eeden: One who can provide pleasure
Eega: palm bird who loves to fly
Eeli: To ascend, uplifted soul and spirit
Eelin: They are the warrior of intelligence
Eelisi: Greenlandic spelling of Êlise, which means pledged to God.
Eemeli: One who is filled with rivalry
Eenakshi: A doe eyed woman.
Eesha: Indian Goddess Parvati, Purity
Eeshani: Wife of Lord Shiva, name of Indian Goddess Parvati
Eeshika: A powerful arrow
Eeshta: Beloved, Name of Godess lakshmi
Eeshvi: God
Eeva: A life giving person
Eevonne: Yew, a coniferous tree which has red berry-like fruits
Efa: The story of life, they are efficient
Efemena: Here is my wealth
Eferhild: A strong warrior
Eferhilda: Warrior who is strong as Bear
Efetobo: Wealth is achieved
Effa: Fair speaking person or speech
Effat: Virtue, or chastity
Effe: Well spoken, one who tells the truth
Effemia: A refined and sweet spoken person
Effi: A good speaker, they are majestic and charming
Effia: A girl born on Friday
Effie: Good reputation among others
Effy: One who has beautiful words
Efharis: Good grace, they are innocence and charm
Efia: Born on friday
Efigenia: The one who is born to be strong
Eflead: A good and majestic great leader
Efrosini: A fawn, bird like creature
Eftychia: Happiness and prosper beings
Efua: They are born on friday
Efuru: Daughter of heaven, they are blessed
Efy: One who is pleasant, good reputation
Egan: Fire,young fighter
Egberta: A shining sword which has a lot of potential
Egbertha: Bright sword, onw which is shining and lavish
Egberthe: A brilliant sword which is unique
Egbertina: A shinning sword which can kill
Egbertine: A pointed edge of sword, very sharp
Egbertyna: Bright sword, which is very powerful
Egbertyne: A bright and shinning sword
Egefride: A peace loving individual who is blessed
Egelfride: One who is filled with harmony and calmness
Egelina: One who has the power of an Eagle
Eghwrudjakpor: I have come to stay
Egidia: Goat skin, also means a cute kid
Eglantine: Wild rose,Botanical name
Eglentina: Wild rose, Botanical name of flower
Eguono: Love
Egypt: A vast expand of land or fortress
Ehani: Song
Ehimaya: One who is an all prevading intelligent
Ehlii: A noble and brave hearted person
Ehren: A honourable and kind hearted individual
Ehteram: Respect, Consideration; Admiration; A variant spelling is Ehtiram and Ihtiram
Eidel: Gentle one, noble and kind person
Eider: Beautiful and pretty haired lady
Eidi: Festival or feast day.
Eidita: Wealthy, joyous and responsible person
Eidith: Rich or blessed, the one who is secure
Eidra: Rich and powerful, with great responsibility
Eidyth: Joyous and loving person
Eidytha: Joyous and lovely person
Eiesha: Purity, name of Muhammad's wife; alive
Eih: Uncountable, an oak tree who loves free detailed
Eiichi: A notable and powerful ruler who is bright
Eija: Happy and bright person who is studious natured
Eiji: Cheerful and one second, eternity
Eik: One who gives laughter, strong as a Oak tree
Eila: The daughter of manu who is like the Earth
Eilah: Juniper tree, oak; one who lives forever
Eilaria: Cheerful, merry; one who has a great love for nature
Eilat: A grove of tall trees, Pistacia tree
Eile: A famous mythological irish queen, practical one
Eilean: One who is filled with light, Hazelnut tree
Eileen: Shining bright light, Strong as Hazelnut
Eileene: Light source which is bright and shining
Eilene: Hazelnut, a very strong guard
Eileua: One who is talented and understanding
Eileue: A likable person who loves to travel
Eileve: One who believes in God
Eiley: Juniper tree, Hazelnut which is free detailed
Eiliana: A Hebrew saying means My God has answered
Eilidh: One who emits light
Eilieua: Bright and beautiful
Eilieue: A happy go lucky, spontaneous person
Eilika: Sword tip, a serious minded and diplomatic person
Eilin: A Hazelnut tree, a sweet singing bird
Eiling: Bird, a versatile and creative being
Eilir: Butterfly, one who is spontaneous and alluring
Eilis: God is my Oath, one who is a devoted person
Eilish: Convenat with God, a pledge
Eiliyah: The Beautiful One to Grow in Peace and Love with God, A variant spelling is Iliya
Eilleen: Bright and shining light
Eilley: Shinning, bright light
Eilliva: Independent, noble and faithful being
Eilonwy: A very beautiful princess
Eiluned: A perfect image or an idol
Eilvila: Good elf, reticent and serious one
Eily: Juniper tree, filled with light
Eilyssi: A hardworking individual
Eimaan: Faith, Virtuous; Pious; God Fearing; Devoted to God; A variant spelling is Imaan
Eiman: A faithful and clever minded person
Eimear: One who is blessed with six gifts of womanhood
Eimen: A protector, wealthy one with confidence
Eimile: One who is practical natured and free detailed
Eimy: A Dominic Republic variation of Amy. It means loved.
Eina: A guardian of properity, beautiful eyes
Eindra: A name of Lord Indra
Einilda: Battle, an idealistic and powerful natured person
Eir: Name of the goddess of healing.
Eira: One who has the purity and simplicity of snow
Eiram: Heaven, a self assured person and responsible being
Eiravati: One who has lightening speed , Ravi river
Eireann: Ireland land, one who belongs from Ireland
Eireen: A peace loving and humble natured being
Eirene: A peace loving person, daughter of Posseidan
Eirian: Silver, a bright and beautiful being
Eirik: An eternal ruler who is forever strong and brave
Eirin: Irish woman, one who is dynamic and restless
Eirini: Peaceful and humble natured person
Eirisse: A variant of Iris, meaning rainbow
Eirlys: A unique and beautiful snow drop
Eirny: One who is born of new healing and is fresh
Eirwen: One who is snow white and is blessed
Eirwyn: The one who is white as snow
Eiry: Fair person who is bright as snow
Eisa: Yahweh is my salvation, Name of a Prophet
Eisha: Purity, name of Goddess Parvati
Eisla: Devoted to God, name of a river; a fairy rock
Eisley: A cheerful and magical person, who is majestic
Eislyn: Dream, a beautiful and preety rose
Eithne: A seed, graceful; ardent ruler; A kernel or grain
Eivet: A large creek or a river
Ejaita: Let them say
Ejiroghene: Praise God
Ejlal: One who is honorable
Ejo: A girl born on Monday.
Ejokparoghene: Let's trust in God
Ejomafuvwe: Let peace reign in my life
Ejoyovwi: Let it be good
Eka: The first born child
Ekaa: Name of Goddess Durga
Ekadhana: One who is the portion of wealth
Ekaja: They are the one wnd only child
Ekam: Oneness, One; Single; Solitary; Unity; Spirituality
Ekamjot: God'S Light, Brightness, Luminance and Radiance of God
Ekampooj: One who worships the supreme being
Ekamroop: One who has embodied oneness
Ekani: Oneness, One; Single; Solitary; Unity; Spirituality
Ekanshi: They are natty, kind hearted individual
Ekanta: One who is in love with solitude
Ekantha: One who is peaceful and love solitude
Ekantika: One who is singly focused
Ekaparana: One who is the wife of Himalayas
Ekaparnika: They are like Goddess Durga
Ekatarina: They are famous people and happy beings
Ekaterina: One who is innocent and pure
Ekaterine: Georgian form of Katherine, meaning pure
Ekaterini: Each one of the two, famous rulers
Ekavali: A majestic and precious neckpiece
Ekemma: One who was born on Eke market day.
Ekene: The one who recieves a lot of praise
Ekisa: One who is consecrated to God
Ekisha: The one who is famous Goddess
Ekkam: The one who is united
Ektaa: One who is a unified identity
Ekua: The one converting pain to happiness
Ekundayo: The one who turns sorrows to joys
Ekuwa: One who is born on Wednesday.
Ekveera: One who is the daughter of Lord Shiva
Ela: They are the representative of mother Earth
Eladari: One who is luxury in paradise
Eladaria: The luxurious paradise, they are powerful
Elaha: An enchanting human being
Elaheh: They are the moon goddess
Elain: The one who has a peculiar case
Elaina: The bright and shining light
Elaine: The one who is a legend