We have created a list of 2640 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter M. This is Page 10 out of 14 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Melisha: A messenger who bears or presents.
Melissa: Germanic - Hard Worker, Greek - Honey; Bee; Strong Work; Industrious; Highborn Power; Variant of Melissa
Melissan: Germanic - Hard Worker, Greek - Honey; Bee; Strong Work; Industrious; Highborn Power; Variant of Melissa
Melisse: Well known deliverer, legendary conveyor.
Melissza: A sweet person, sweet as honey
Melisus: One who serves Jesus for blessings
Melita: The sugary person, who is sweeter than the honey.
Melitsa: Sweet, Greek - Honey; Bee; Hard Worker; A variant of Melissa
Melitta: Germanic - Hard Worker, Greek - Honey; Bee; Strong Work; Industrious; Highborn Power; Variant of Melissa
Meliz: A Jesus' servant, always blessed by Jesus
Meliza: A bee, honey bun, sugar bunch, sweetie
Melka: Black coated gorgeous, gloomy layer love.
Mellear: Enhanced belongings, superior possessions.
Melleta: Sweet as nectar, honeyed as sugary.
Melli: Old Greek - Black, Dark; Highborn Power; Hard Worker; A variant form of Melanie which means Dark-Skinned
Mellicent: Germanic - Hard Worker, Greek - Honey; Bee; Strong Work; Industrious; Highborn Power; Variant of Melissa
Mellie: Old Greek - Black, Dark; Highborn Power; Hard Worker; A variant form of Melanie which means Dark-Skinned
Mellilah: A flatterer, a Greek mythological nymph
Mellisa: The activities of honey bee, the person who resembles honey bee vis his character.
Mellissa: The person bearing the nature and sweetness of Honey, particularly, honey bee
Melloney: The person who has a physical appearance of black skin.
Melly: Bold power, courageous authority, daring rights.
Melodia: English - Melody, Song
Melodie: English - Melody, Song
Melody: English - Melody, Song
Melokuhle: Stand for what is right, One who represents good things
Meloni: The person belonging to a racial group having dark skin.
Melonie: The person with black skin color who comes from a special racial group.
Melony: Having skin rich in melanin pigments.
Melora: A wonderful apple, supremely flavoured apple.
Melosa: The person who is very affectionate and loving.
Melpomene: Deliberate disaster, contemplate misfortune.
Melrose: A black cored flower of rose
Meltem: Gentle wind blows in the warmest season of the year.
Melur: Jasmine flower
Melusina: A person who is naturally having skin of a dusky or dark color.
Melusine: Germanic - Hard Worker, Greek - Honey; Bee; Strong Work; Industrious; Highborn Power; Variant of Melissa
Melva: A kind woman, compassionate female.
Melvina: The flat peak, horizontal top.
Melyna: A sweet heart, dear, the onw who is pleasant and appealing.
Melynda: The person who is sweeten with honey, who is remarkably fine.
Melyndra: A diplomatic, serious minded and loving person
Melyonen: Cornish vocabulary name meaning violet.
Melyor: The healthier belongings, restored properties.
Melyssa: A sweet girl, honey bee, produce sweetness of honey
Melyssande: A honey bee, sweet girl, sweet as honey
Mema: Latin - Imitating, Rivaling; Work; War Horn; Flatterer, Industrious
Memona: Blessings, one who is thriving and prosperous.
Memory: The ability of recording any information and recalling at the time when needed.
Memphis: The created and good looking, formed beautifuly.
Mena: The divinity who represents motherhood.
Menaal: Extraordinary blossom from paradise, superios florat from dreamland.
Menaha: Celestial damsel, A variant spelling is Menaka
Menaja: One of many names of Goddess Parvathi
Menaka: Celestial damsel, A variant spelling is Menaha
Menali: One who is like fish, beautiful fish
Mendi: The person who is having intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude.
Mendian: One who is settled near the hill, enclosure near the hills.
Mendie: Hebrew - Sea of Bitternes, Rebelliousness; Wished for child; To swell; A variant form of Mendi
Meni: Female cat, Thunderbolt; Speech;
Menika: One who is born of the mind, A fairy
Menka: Innate of the concentration, born of the awareness
Menna: The strength, a strong person
Menodora: Blessing from the pioneer, the female deity of the Moon
Menolly: One who has understanding and lovely nature
Menora: Hebrew - A Candelabrum, A variant form is Menorah
Mensige: An intensive and insightful individual
Mensonsea: The person who always use his,her left hand for all activities.
Mentari: The Sun, who gives powerful light to whole world.
Mentha: Mint, a plant where money is coined by authority of the government.
Menucha: Tranquility
Meora: Light, Brightness
Mera: The beaming light, a radiant sunrise.
Merab: Present in great quantitiy, existing in great number or quantity
Merah: Unpleasant stern, rough taste, very difficult to accept or bear
Meral: A large body of water sparkling brilliantly in the day light.
Meralda: A transparent and green color piece of precious gem, Emerald.
Meranda: The value of adoration, price of love.
Merav: A process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important
Merce: Mercy, merciful, referred to Mother Mary
Merced: A disposition to be kind and forgiving, the feeling of motivate compassion
Mercedes: Unlimited grace, recompense of worthy acts, remuneration.
Merche: The one who has a sense of propriety and consideration for others.
Merci: Mercy, Kindness; Compassion; Benevolence; A variant of Mercy
Mercia: Mercy, Kindness; Compassion; Benevolence; A variant of Mercy
Mercie: Disposed to bestow favors.
Mercilla: Good natured, tolerance of delay or incompetence.
Mercina: Refraining from acting.
Mercy: Kindness, Compassion; Benevolence
Merdyce: A determined, preserving and happy individual
Merel: Old French - Blackbird, Celtic - Sea-bright; Hebrew - Sea of Bitterness
Merete: Much valued as a jewel, most valuable person
Merewen: Inspiring pleasure.
Merewina: A variant of Merewen which is derived from name Merewynn which means renowned joy, great pleasure, splendid delight
Mergareta: Pearls, a bunch of pearls, bright as pearl
Mergret: The beautiful and shiny pearls
Mergualdo: A cluster of pears that are precious
Meri: The marine, deep ocean.
Meria: The harsh taste of the Ocean.
Meriam: Star of the ocean in Hebrew. In Arabic it refers to Mother Mary, the virgin mother.
Meribeth: The utmost beautiful.
Merida: The one who reached the great place of decency.
Meridel: A joyful and merry person.
Meriel: A shining and sparkling sea.
Meriet: A woman who is meritorious
Merilda: The queen or empress of war and battle
Merille: A bright shiny sea, Sea that is bright
Merilyn: Be fabulous or tremendous.
Merima: Bosnian form of Mary, meaning star of the sea'.
Merindah: The person who is having emotional admiration.
Meris: The person of the ocean.
Merisa: The person from the Ocean.
Merise: The person who is always in the sea.
Merissa: One who is of the sea, little Mary, Virgin Mary
Merit: The quality that renders something desirable.
Meritta: Being worthy or deserving.
Meriwa: Thorn
Meriwether: A happy or pleasant weather, a cheerful person
Merja: The holy mother Mary, virgin Mary
Merjan: Lebanese term for diamond or pearl.
Merjem: A form of Mary, meaning bitterness.
Merjema: Bosnian form of Mary, meaning star of the sea'.
Merkaba: Hebrew - Chariot, A variant form of Merkavah; A spelling variant is Merkabah
Merl: A dark birdie, a black colored bird
Merle: The stronghold which is on the top of the peak of the sea.
Merlene: The diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight. Falcon.
Merletta: Black Bird, Shiny sea; A Diminutive of Merle; A variant of Merrill or Muriel;
Merlin: The Castle that is in the middle of the ocean.
Merlyn: Fortification on the highest place.
Merna: Irish - Affectionate, Beloved Woman
Meron: The woman who serves the Army.
Merope: The body of stories associated with a culture.
Meropi: A myrrh, a red-brown resin material, Greek women from Asia minor
Merouda: The name is derived from elements mor, which means sea, or great and budd, which means benefit, or profit.
Merpati: A dove
Merree: English - Merry, Lighthearted; Happy
Merri: The shining of the sea.
Merridan: An equal distant from the extremes.
Merrie: Full of joy or producing joy.
Merrielle: English - Merry, Lighthearted; Happy
Merrigan: Related to the Ocean.
Merril: The magnificient marine.
Merrilee: Exultantly proud and joyful, in high sprits.
Merrilees: A merry meadow or wood, a shelter of happiness
Merrili: English - Merry, Lighthearted; Happy
Merrill: The twinkling ocean.
Merrily: The one who is extremely happy and blissful.
Merrin: A pearl of the sea, pearl extracted from the sea
Merrita: The head of a tribe or clan.
Merritta: The gate of boundaries, or one from the boundary gate
Merry: English - Lighthearted, Happy; Derived From Meredith
Merryl: The ocean which gives extreme beauty.
Merryn: Completely happy and contented.
Mersada: Watchtower or supervision
Mersades: Virgin Mary, a favour and pity; an honour
Mersey: Mercy, Kindness; Compassion; Benevolence; A variant of Mercy
Mersia: The boundary of the multitude.
Merthyr: A martyr, one who sacrifices his,her life
Mertice: A person who has general authority over others.
Mertie: From a sea town, A variant form of Myrtle which is a plant name of Garden Shrub which is a symbol of Victory in Greek
Mertis: From a sea town, A variant form of Myrtle which is a plant name of Garden Shrub which is a symbol of Victory in Greek
Mertise: The person who is having affcetion by the general public.
Mertyce: Pleasurable and well known.
Merula: The raven, large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail.
Meruprbha: A Bengali name meaning Polar light
Merutunga: A tall person, one who has a tall height
Merva: The one who is rich in knowledge and wisdom.
Merwa: A mountain or hill in the holy place Mekkah.
Meryam: A dearly loved person. Loved by all.
Meryl: Latin - Blackbird, Falcon; Celtic - Sea Bright; Hebrew - Sea of Bitterness; Rebelliousness
Merĸoĸ: Feather
Merĸupaluk: Dear little
Mesa: Table. one of the furniture.
Meschelle: A question asked that who is like God
Mesh: In Yiddish it means "Brass" In Hindi it means "Trap"
Meshia: The butter made from the Sheep's milk.
Mesi: A smoke, emit a cloud of fiine particles.
Mesila: A naughty person, like a honey bee
Messina: Being neither at the begining nor at the end in a series.
Mestra: One who courts, One who plays the lover or solicits a marriage
Meta: A pearl, the one who is much precious as a Gem
Metcalf: Herdsman, Food Calf; An English Surname
Metea: Old Greek - A Gentle Woman, Variants are Metia, Meteah and Metiah
Metheven: Cornish word for June.
Methi: A hevenly damsel from Hindu mythology
Methika: Name of the plant fenugreek and its grain
Methini: The grain of the fenugreek shrub.
Methotase: Laying eggs in the sand
Methotaske: One who lays eggs in sand, or laying eggs in sand.
Methra: The dew drops, or the droplets of dew
Metrodora: The gift or present from the town
Mette: The person who is massive in the combat
Metti: The gem in the ocean.
Metztli: Goddess of night
Mey: Gorgeous or pretty or stunning.
Meya: The briliant star of the ocean.
Meyirzhan: A kind soul
Meymona: A blessed person, successful, an auspicious girl
Mhairi: The most dearly one.
Mhari: The darling or much loved one.