We have created a list of 2640 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter M. This is Page 11 out of 14 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Mhina: The person who is greatly pleasing or entertaining.
Mi Cha: Beauty and daughter, beautiful daughter
Mi Kyong: Beauty and brightness
Mi Sun: Beauty and goodness
Mi Young: Everlasting beauty
Mi-Cha: A beautiful girl
Mi-hi: Beautiful joy
Mi-Ok: Beautiful pearl
Mia: The person who is dearly to everyone.
Miabella: A tiny falcon, a baby falcon. A person with the qualities of a falcon
Miah: The much dearest person.
Miakoda: The strength of the Moon.
Miata: In German it means "A reward". In African it means "First born" of "First Lady"
Mica: who can be equal to God.
Micaela: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michaela
Micaella: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michaela
Micarla: A messenger of God, archangel
Micayla: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michaela
Micha: who can reach God's place
Michaela: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michael
Michaele: the one who is nearer to God.
Michaelle: A gift from the merciful God
Michaila: who is like unto the most high Yaweh.
Michal: the person who put up with somebody unpleasant.
Michala: the natural stream of water.
Michalina: The dearest angel of the God
Michalis: the person who is connected to God.
Michaya: the sparkling ocean.
Michayla: who will be same image as God
Micheal: A beautiful gift from the God
Micheala: The closest angel to the God
Michela: The dearest messenger of God
Michele: The Angel who carry messages of God
Michelette: The God's gracious gift
Michelina: the God is not like a human.
Micheline: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michaela
Michell: the God is not like anyone in this world.
Michella: the precious talent from the most high place.
Michelle: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michaela
Michellette: A graceful blessing from the God
Michi: the upright path.
Michigan: the large river.
Michiko: the child with fantastic knowledge.
Michon: the percious tallent for the most high God.
Miciah: the priceless gift from God.
Miciela: A blessed gift from God
Mickayla: God is one and there is none like him.
Micki: the God's beloved angel
Mickie: archangel of God
Micol: Hebrew - She who is queen, Derivatives of Micol are Milca and Milcal
Micole: there is none like the spirit.
Mid'haa: recognize with gratitude.
Midajah: A person with mystic powers and rational mind
Mide: the one who is in need of water.
Midge: darling one to Amun.
Midha: the one who has to be worshipped.
Midhaa: the one sho is recognized with gratefulness.
Midhah: tribute or inspiration.
Midhat: the formal expression of praise.
Midori: one of the colors , Green.
Mie: three way division.
Mieke: the unpleasant or harsh taste.
Mieko: the brightness of the light.
Mielle: Honey, sweet as honey, sugary
Mies: the favorite son of the planter.
Miesha: alive, lifetime, survivial, income, path of life.
Mietta: minor and sugary.
Miette: French - Small and Sweet
Mieze: Hebrew - Small, Bitter
Migdalia: Hebrew - Tower, From a tower; A variant form of Migdal
Migisi: the one who looks like an eagle.
Mignon: Delicate, Graceful, French - Dainty
Miguela: Hebrew - Who is like God, A variation of Michaela
Mihaela: there is none like the creator of this world.
Mihaila: Bulgarian form of Michaela, meaning Who is like God.
Mihewi: the lady of the sun.
Mihika: haze, miasma, droplets.
Mihira: the great Sun.
Mihoko: child of shielded loveliness.
Miillaaraq: Humming
Mija: Discontent towards authority, the one who is resisting control, disagreeable taste
Mika: In Hebrew, it means a gift from the Almighty. In Japanese, it means the beautiful fragrance.
Mikaela: A bright and beautiful female filled with quiet and loving nature, One who is friendly with all.
Mikaelah: An angel of Allah, the messenger
Mikah: The angel of God
Mikaila: The one who is the messenger of God.
Mikaili: The one who is likely to the God's messenger.
Mikal: The dear messenger of God
Mikala: Hawaiian version of Michaela that means messenger.
Mikalyn: Female form of Michael that means God's messenger
Mikan: A Japanese word that means Orange or tangerine.
Mikasa: A Nara Word that means three hats of Bamboo. Also means "to resolve"
Mikaya: American variant of the name Malachi that means the messenger or the angel.
Mikayla: Female form of Michael that refers to the messenger of God.
Mikaylee: One who carries God's messages
Mikelle: a person likely to the God's messenger.
Mikenna: An African name that means who brings the Joy.
Mikenzie: the Child of a wise leader.
Mikhaela: Female version of mikail that refers to the message carrier of God
Mikhaila: the one who is provider of the messages of the God.
Mikkeli: Refers to someone equivalent to the God's messenger.
Mikki: Feminine form that means a gift from God.
Miku: A beautiful sky, also means a beautiful time.
Mikyle: The one who is like or equivalent to the carrier of the God's message.
Mila: A Gracious or a beautiful dear
Milabelle: A beautiful girl, full or grace
Milada: A gracious young girl, The lovable girl
Milagra: The awesome and exceptional thing
Milagro: A miracle, something un-natural
Milagros: A super-natural activity
Milam: From the house situated near mill
Milana: Slavic - Union, Favor; Grace; People
Milandu: An answer to the prayers
Milani: A soft and gentle affectionate touch
Milania: The humanitarian union
Milaslava: One who likes or wants to be glorified
Milburegh: A small fort or fortress
Milburn: The stream off the mill
Milbury: A person belongs to the land of mills
Milbyrne: The stream of water from the mill land
Milcah: The one who is a queen or a princess
Mild: Kind, Soft-spoken, tolerant, Mild-tempered, Patient
Milda: Goddess of Love and Friendship
Mildgyth: A tender gift, a small one
Mildoina: A mild power of someone
Mildraed: Someone of little strength
Mildred: A mild strength person
Mildrid: Old English - Gentle Adviser, Gentle Strength; A variant of the name Mildred
Mildryd: Old English - Gentle Adviser, Gentle Strength; A variant of the name Mildred
Mildryth: A person of gentle strength
Milek: The archangels of the Almighty
Milena: A pleasant person, a dear one
Milenka: Black
Milesent: A variant of the name Millicent which means hard worker in old Greek
Miley: In American it refers to "Smiley" and in Hawaiian it means "vine"
Mili: In Hebrew it means a virtuous person. In German it refers to a person who works hard. In Hindi it means to find
Milia: A Rival person, one who imitates
Miliani: Hawaiian - Gentle Caress
Milica: A graceful lady, An alluring one
Milicent: Germanic - Hard Worker, Strong; Highborn Power; A variant transcription of Millicent
Mililani: A gentle touch from the heaven
Milisendis: A variant of the name Millicent which means hard worker in old Greek
Milita: A kind and generous person
Milja: Trying to excel or become equal
Milka: An empress, or a queen
Milko: A dearest one, a graceful person
Milla: Germanic - Hard Worker, Strong; Highborn Power; Industrious; Ambitious; A variant transcription of Millicent
Millan: The Loving and Gracious person
Millaray: A golden colored flower
Millay: A flower with good scent
Mille: A decent scented flower
Millen: A worker who grinds grain
Milli: A person serving at a temple
Millianna: A Saint from the mill
Millicent: Germanic - Hard Worker, Strong; Highborn Power; Industrious; Ambitious; A variant transcription of Milicent
Millie: Germanic - Hard Worker, A diminutive of Mildred; A variant form of Millicent
Milligan: A Christianity ritual of shaving head
Milly: Germanic - Hard Worker, A diminutive of Mildred; A variant form of Millicent
Miloni: An achiever, a winner
Miloslava: Favor, or glory
Milta: Talk or conversation.
Mima: Burmese word for women
Mimi: Germanic - Will, Desire; Helmet; Protection; Faithful Guard; A variant form of Mary; A diminutive of Miriam
Mimis: Goddess Of Harvest, A variant of name Mimi which means wished for child
Mimmi: A one who wished to adopt a child, a bitter sea
Mimouna: In Hebrew it means belief or faith. In Arabic it means good luck or prosperity
Mimsy: A pleasant or a beautiful one, one who is above all
Min: A clever person, sharp-minded, quick responding person
Min Jee: Brightness and wisdom
Min Jung: Bright and noble
Mina: In Persian it means azure or clear like a crystal. In German it means the pure love or true love
Minadoras: A gift from the moon or a light of the moon
Minah: Yiddish variant of Marie, meaning bitter.
Minako: A beautiful child, an apple tree
Minakshi: The one having the beautiful fish-liked eyes
Minal: In Hindi it means a precious stone. In native American it is the name of a fruit.
Minalaya: A place where fishes are kept or found.
Minami: The one who lived in the south region, one who is from South
Minaxi: One with eyes as fish
Minda: Knowledge, Wisdom; Intelligence;
Mindel: Bitter. Yiddish variant of Marie.
Mindelynn: A comfort lake or a lake of comfort
Mindi: A sweetest person, having sweet nature
Mindie: As sweet as honey, having the sweetness of honey
Mindl: A peaceful person, a restful nature
Mindry: Born with the feelings to other people, an empathic person
Mindy: A honey-liked sweet person
Mine: A will or a desire to protect
Minea: A person who is determined to protect others
Minerva: In Latin it means an intellect or a person with sharp mind. A Roman goddess of wisdom
Mineta: One who is merciful and generous.
Minette: A faithful guard, the one who defends
Ming Yue: Chinesee - Bright Moon, Radiant and Luminant Moon
Mingan: A grey wolf, a person who is intelligent and furious as wolf
Minh: A bright person, intelligent one, a clever person
Minha: A gift or a blessing from the Almighty.
Mini: A tiny or a small version of anything, mostly a pet name
Minika: Calmness, Peace; Quite
Minimol: Small Daughter, Little one; Small child
Minisha: The Goddess of fish, also the devotee of Lord Krishna