The rush and decline of the immune system makes the body sick faster. In order for this to not happen, you should drink milk with additional warm honey.
The key to healthy body can be obtained from eating with a healthy and balanced pattern. One of them is to enjoy a glass of warm milk with a little extra honey. Milk is packed with various nutrients, one of which contains high calcium and protein. While honey contains antioxidants which also have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties so they can fight infection.
Both can be combined to maintain a healthy body and be consumed every day.
1. Increasing stamina The combination of milk and honey can help increase your stamina today. Carbohydrates in honey can give you an instant boost of energy. While the protein in milk will give you strength. This drink can make you stamina all day long. Not only good for adults but also children. 2. Streamline digestion
2. The combination of milk and honey is very good for digestion. Honey contains certain prebiotics that can help support digestive health. Bacteria in the digestive tract will increase and can prevent constipation and flatulence.
3. Honey mixed with warm milk and dimunum before going to bed can cure constipation. Milk is known to help excretory movements. Honey contains certain enzymes that increase intestinal flexibility. This combination is very effective in killing bacteria and preventing flatulence.
4. Strengthen Milk bones to be the best source of calcium. In addition, milk also contains protein that is good for the health of muscle cells. While honey helps blood absorb all calcium from milk and brings it to the bones and can create a taste that is better when consumed.
5. Prevent insomnia
Milk and honey are very effective in curing insomnia and make you sleep soundly. Although honey has a sweet taste, it can increase the amount of tryptophan. In the body of tryptophan this changes into serotonin, known as the sleep hormone. 5. Prevent premature aging and reduce stress Milk and honey are said to reduce the effects of free radicals in the body. The occurrence of free radicals can damage organs and cause cells to age easily. Not only that, these two ingredients are said to inhibit the hormone cortisol in the body, the stress hormone. This can also reduce the damage done by hormones to internal organs. Milk and honey are also referred to as great combinations for improving memory and increasing concentration.