We have created a list of 2566 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter D. This is Page 6 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Deklan: A Date tree, tall one
Dekle: A leader, one who has wealth of creative talents
Del: The one who is of the valley
Dela: Dela is a variant of the name Andrew and means manly and brave.
Deladem: Redeemed by savior.
Delaine: A growing individual, Alder tree
Delaire: One who is born out of air
Delancey: A creative and unique individual
Delancy: One who grows out of Elder grove
Delane: A tall and handsome being, Elder tree
Delaney: One who performs dark challenges
Delano: A swamp land, a dark being
Delany: One who comes from a river
Delara: One who can bring happiness in others life
Delavan: A proud friend, sensitive person
Delaynie: A dark challenger from the woods
Delbert: A bright, sunny and beautiful day
Deleep: A King, One of ancestor of Rama
Delevan: A good and trustworthy friend
Delgadina: A loyal and languishing being
Deli: Warrior, Soldier; Fighter
Delio: A determined and steady person, coming from heaven
Dell: A place name, small valley
Delling: One with a shining personality
Dellingr: Shining or brilliant.
Dellwin: Self-respecting individual
Delman: Man who came from pond, valley
Delmar: One who came from Sea
Delmas: Person who lives in isolation
Delmer: One who resides near a sea
Delmon: One who is of the mountain
Delmont: Topographic name,coming from mountain
Delon: A faithful and confident being
Delos: Name of a place in Greece
Delroy: One who is born of the King
Delton: A farmstead in a wooded valley
Delun: One who lays down order and gives justice
Delvan: A darling and beloved individual
Delvin: A bright friend who loves and cares
Delvon: God-like, a broadminded person
Delwin: Friend of the valley
Delwyn: A wonderful being
Delwynn: A thoughtful friend, brave
Deman: Tame
Demarco: A demanding person, one who is of the mark
Demarcus: A soft and tender person
Demario: A gentle and caring being
Demarion: One who is dedicated to Mars, manly
Demas: A very popular person
Demason: A successful and brilliant writer, optimistic
Demasone: Son of a Judge
Dembe: A peace loving individual
Demdhendra: Individual who is devoted to God
Demelza: Strong fort, the popular one
Demetre: Fertility, gift from Demeter
Demetri: Great one, a Goddess
Demetrio: One who brings rain, an Earth lover
Demetrios: A devoted individual, a friend
Demetris: One who is in love with Earth and nature
Demian: One who can be tamed and polished
Demir: One who is made of Iron
Demitri: A Goddess of harvest
Demitrius: One who is of a Demeter, focused individual
Democritus: Judge of the people
Demond: The one who is born out of a man
Demont: One who is filled with desires, mountain
Demonte: One who is coming from heaven, mountain
Demosthenes: Vigor of the people
Dempsey: A proud and creative individual
Dempster: A shrine, a judge of character
Demyan: AA confident and super excited being
Den: Son of Dennis, the one who is a good ruler
Denadayal: A merciful, humble and gentle being
Denahi: A high ranking officer
Denard: Short form of Bernard, creative being
Denaye: A determined person, cute one
Denbeigh: A honest master
Denby: One who is from Danish settlement
Dene: One who belongs in a valley
Deneheard: One who is in true depth of nature
Denes: Follower of God who love detail
Denewulf: A warm hearted, neat and fearless individual
Denham: A homestead in a valley
Denholm: A valley island, strong relationship with family
Deniel: A variant of Daniel, meaning God is my judge.
Denim: Another name for a strong cloth, a word name
Denis: Romanian form of Dionysus, meaning 'Greek God of wine'.
Denish: One who is happy and joyous person
Denison: Son of Dennis, have great power
Deniz: Sea of happiness
Denji: One who has electromagnetic powers
Denkatsu: One which is active as lightning
Denley: Meadow which is filled with flowers
Denlie: A meadow which is in the valley
Denly: A positive and beautiful being
Denman: One who resides in a valley
Dennes: One who is nourishing individual
Dennet: A loving an famous saint
Denney: Winemaker, enchanted and unique
Dennie: Roman God of growth, winemaker
Dennis: One who promotes civilization
Dennison: God of vines, winemaker
Denny: Name of wealthy God of wine
Dennys: Greek God of nutrition
Dennyson: The intuitive, imaginative son of Dennis
Denpa: A variant of Denpo, meaning truth.
Denpo: Truth
Denston: A normal and outspoken person
Dent: A hill, tooth; independent
Denten: Name of a valley town
Dentin: Small town in a valley
Denton: Name of a town in the valley, green
Denver: Name of a state in Colorado
Denys: Mountain of Zeus, capable being
Denzel: The wild one who is very gentle
Denzell: Name of a place in Cornwall, self reliable
Denziel: A youthful ans powerful being
Denzil: A nobleman who is a brave as well as gentle
Denzill: One who follows truth and justice
Denzin: One who follows truth no matter what
Denzyl: All powwerful Lord, strong and intelligent
Deo: A God-like powerful figure
Deochand: Lord of the Moon, One who is beautiful and attractive
Deodan: Devdan,
Deogracia: A God, a child of destiny
Deon: A mighty and all-powerful God
Deona: A church leader of a valley
Deonta: An enduring person
Deontae: An enduring individual
Deontay: One who belongs to Zeus
Deonte: A traveller who has a outstanding personality
Deor: A beloved baby, golden one
Deoram: Lord Ram, Deo means Godlike and hence Deoram means Lord Ram
Depen: Master of Deepaks
Deppendu: Bright Moon, Luminant and Radiant moon
Derrall: A person who is dearly loved.
Derrer: Occupational name for a flax or hemp worker.
Derrick: A gifted ruler. A person with capabilities of being a gifted ruler.
Derrien: Wealthy
Derward: The deer keeper
Desaka: One who Directs, Ruler; Guide; Guru; Spiritual Leader
Desaraj: King of a Country, Ruler; Emperor
Desaraja: King of a Country, Ruler; Emperor
Desh: Country, Nation; Kingdom
Deshad: Country, nation, A variant of name Desh
Deshak: One who Directs, Guide; Spiritual Leader; Guru
Deshbhushan: A renowned Digambara Jain Acharya of the 20th century.
Deshik: Guru, Spirutual Leader; One who guides us in divine path
Deshraj: King of a Country, Ruler; Emperor
Desighan: One of many names of Lord Murugan,
Desislav: Finding glory or searching for glory.
Desmond: One from South Munster
Destan: Destiny or by the still waters
Dettwiler: Variant spelling of Detweiler, a habitational name from Detweiler, a village in Zürich.
Deva: Celestial Spirit, Divine and Spiritual Being
Devabal: With the Strength of Gods, Power and Courage of God
Devabandhu: A Friend of the Gods, One who is like a companion to God
Devabhag: A Portion of the Gods, Gift of God
Devabhakta: Devotee of the Gods, Follower of God; Disciple of God
Devabhraj: Luminous Like a God, Radiance of God
Devabhrata: Brother of the Gods, Related to God
Devabhuti: An Image of the Gods, God's Form
Devabodh: With Divine Knowledge, Religious Wisdom
Devabodhi: Inspired by God, Enlightment by God;
Devachand: A Bright and Divine Necklace, Ornament of God;
Devachit: The Will of the Gods, God's desire; God's Wish
Devadarsh: Observer of the Gods, One who is in vision of God
Devadasa: Slave of the Gods, Servant of God; One who serves God
Devadatta: God Given, Gift of God; A present from God;
Devadeep: Lamp of the Gods, God's Light; Divine Light; Flame of God
Devadevan: God of God, Lord of the Lords;
Devadoot: Messenger of God, One who brings God's blessings; A variant spelling is Devadut
Devadut: Messenger of God, One who brings God's blessings; A variant spelling is Devadoot
Devadyumma: Lord of the Gods, Mahadev; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Devagarbh: A Divine Child, Religious and Pious Offspring
Devagiri: A Mountain, Belongs to Lord; Possession of God
Devagopa: Shepherd of the Gods, One who is a cow-herd for God's
Devagupta: Guarded by the Gods, Protected by God; Defended by God
Devaguru: Preceptor of the Gods, Guru of the Deva's
Devagyan: A Divine Song, Spiritual knowledge; Religious Wisdom
Devahridhay: Divine Heart, Pious and Sacred soul;
Devahu: Invoking the Gods, One who obtains the blessing of God
Devain: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Devajanman: Gift of God, Born of the Gods; A present from God; Blessing of God
Devajap: Meditating on the Gods, One who recites God's name to attain enlightment
Devajayoti: Light of God, God's Radiance and Luminance
Devajya: Wife of the Gods, A variant of name Devajaya
Devajyot: Brightness of the Lord, Radiance of the God;
Devakalpa: God Like, Religious; Divine;
Devakam: Loving the Gods, Pious; One who is religious and spiritual
Devakanta: Beloved of the Gods, Dearmost to the God; Loved by God
Devakinandan: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Devakumar: The son of God.
Devamadana: Pleasing the Gods, Gladdening the God; One whose deeds will please the God
Devamandana: Gladdening the God, One whose deeds will please the God
Devamaru: One of many names of Lord Ganesha, One Who Acknowledges All Pertances,
Devamsh: Part of God, One who is considered part of the Divine Lord;
Devan: Divine, divinity or like a god
Devana: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Devanaman: Divine Joy, Sacred name of God; Pious and Religious Person