We have created a list of 2566 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter D. This is Page 7 out of 13 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Devanarayan: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Devanath: Lord of the Gods, Mahadev; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Devanathan: Godly, One of many names of Lord Perumal;
Devance: Part of god, presence of God, or a part of Lord Krishna.
Devandra: One of the many names of Lord Indra
Devanesan: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Devansha: Eternal Part of God, Aura of God; Divine Light of God
Devanshu: God's Rays, Holy Light; Aura of God; Part of God
Devapad: The Feet of the God, Divine Feet
Devapi: An Ancient King, The eldest son of King Pratipa of Hastinapur in Indian epic 'Mahabharat'.
Devappa: Father of King, Father of Deva's
Devapuspa: King of Devdas, Indra; Flower of the Gods; Divine Flowers
Devaram: Name of a Divine Scripture, Divine verses in praise of Lord Shiva
Devasenapati: One who is like the army chief of all the heavenly Gods, Warrior for the Gods in Heaven
Devasree: One of many names of the divinely beautiful Goddess Lakshmi
Devasur: A Divine Hero, Warrior of God;
Devavardhan: Brother of Devaki, One who is dear to the God
Devavath: Guided by the Gods, Protected by the God; One who is lead by God
Devavidh: Knowing of the Gods, One who is religious and spiritual; Acquired Divine Knowledge
Devavrata: Name of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabharat, A religious and Pious Person
Devayan: Needing to the Gods, Servant of the God; One who is meant to serve God
Devdaru: Name means wood of the Gods, Name of tree found in Himalayas; Deodar Tree
Devdutta: King, Ruler; Emperor; Lord of the kingdom
Deveesh: Supreme God, Mahadev; Lord of all the Lords
Deverell: From the river bank.
Devesh: Another name of Lord Shiva.
Devesha: O Lord of All Lords, Maha Dev; Most Supreme Power in the universe
Deveshta: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Devesth: Chief of the Gods, Best among the Deva's; Mahadev; Supreme Lord
Devharsh: Joy of the Gods, Happiness; Delight of God
Devhish: Gift, Generosity; Charity; A present from God
Devibalan: Servant of Goddess Durga, One who is meant to serve Goddess Durga
Devidaas: Servant of the God, One who is meant to serve God;
Devidas: Servant of a Goddess
Devinath: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Devindra: King of Devas, One of the many names of Lord Indra
Deviprakash: Son of Godess, Offspring of Goddess Devi
Devipriya: Loved by Goddess, One who is dear to the Goddess Devi
Devish: Chief of the Gods, Best among the Deva's; Mahadev; Supreme Lord
Devishaya: One who merits from the Goddess Devi, One who is worthy and deserving of Blessings of Goddess Devi
Devjyoti: Gift of Godess, Present from the God
Devkusum: Divine Flower, Flower of the Gods; Garland of the God
Devmanak: Jewel of the Gods, Ornaments of the God; Precious possession of God
Devnand: A name of Lord Krishna.
Devopriya: Loved by Goddess, One who is dear to the Goddess Devi
Devottham: Best Among Deva's, Mahadev; Supreme Lord
Devprasad: One who has the divine favour, God's Blessings; Gift of God
Devpushp: Flower of the Gods, Garland of the God
Devram: Absorbed in Divine Needs, Virtuous; Spiritual and Religious Person
Devrata: Name of an Ancient King in Indian Epic Called Mahabharat, A religious and Pious Person
Devrath: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Devray: Decision of God,
Devroop: Shadow of God, One who is like God; One who is a form of God
Devu: Mahadev, One who is the Supreme Being in the Universe
Devvrat: Bhishma, Wise and Knowledgeable Person
Devya: Divine Power, Spiritual Wisdom; Pious and Religious Knowledge
Devyansh: Part of God, Part of the Divine Light; Radiance and Luminance of God
Dewesh: God of God, Lord of the Lords;
Dex: A right handed man.
Deylin: Name of a historical blacksmith with supernatural powers. It means Angel from God.
Dhadheechi: A Sage, Learned; Knowledgeable; Wise; Saint Like
Dhaerye: Patience, Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
Dhairavnath: Brave Person, Courageous; Powerful and Mighty
Dhairyash: Patience, Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
Dhairyesh: Patience, Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
Dhaivat: Sound, Voice; Suggested Meaning;
Dhakshesh: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Dhamaidhi: Patience, Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant
Dhaman: Ray, Light; Abode; Glory; Radiance; Luminance
Dhamavat: Owner of a House, Powerful; Strong; Mighty; Courageous and Brave
Dhamendra: Dharm Dev, One who is God of religions
Dhamu: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Dhan: Money
Dhana: Money, Wealth; Richness; Prosperity; Good Fortune
Dhanadhipati: Lord of Wealth, Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth; Giver of Wealth
Dhanajayan: One of many names of Lord Muruga
Dhanaji: Wealth, Richness; Prosperity; Good Fortune
Dhanajita: Wealth, Richness; Prosperity; Good Fortune
Dhanaka: Avarice, A Son of Durmada
Dhanaman: Name of a King, One who is very wealthy and rich; Prosperous Person
Dhanamani: One who is very wealthy and rich, Prosperous Person
Dhananjaya: Fire, Winning Wealth; One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
Dhanapal: Richman, Wealthy; Prosperous Person
Dhanapalan: Lord of Wealth, Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth
Dhanarajan: One who is good in making money, Objectives and Strategies to Make Money
Dhanda: Business, One who is wealthy and good in trade
Dhandar: One who is very wealthy and rich, Prosperous Person
Dhanesa: Lord of Wealth, Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth
Dhanesh: Lord of the wealth and prosperity, another name of Lord Kubera.
Dhanesha: Lord of Wealth, Name of Kubera; God of Prosperity who will bless us with wealth
Dhanhanjay: Winning Wealth, One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
Dhanikh: One who is very wealthy and rich, Prosperous Person
Dhanin: Wealthy, With a Bow; Rich; Prosperous; Good Fortuned
Dhaniram: One who is Deeply Religious, Pious; Spiritual
Dhanirama: One who is Deeply Religious, Pious; Spiritual
Dhanish: God, Supreme Being; Creator and Protector of Universe
Dhanjay: Winning Wealth, One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
Dhanjeet: Winning Wealth, One who conquers over richness; Victorious over wordly objects
Dhanna: Lord Kubera, Lord of Wealth; Giver of prosperity and good fortune
Dhanpati: Lord Kubera, Lord of Wealth; Giver of prosperity and good fortune
Dhanumani: Bow Man, Wealthy; Rich; Prosperous; Good Fortuned
Dhanva: Wealthy, With a Bow; Rich; Prosperous; Good Fortuned
Dhanvanthri: God of Medicine and Immortality
Dhanvine: A name of Lord Rama. It means charity doer.
Dhanwant: Lucky, Fortunate; Blessed; Privileged; Well Destined
Dhanwi: Warrior, Defender; Protector;
Dhar: Earth, Land; A variant name of Dharthi
Dharaja: Valuable, Important; Priceless
Dharama: Dharm, Religion; Righteousness
Dharamanand: One who is Happy in Following Dharma, One who rejoices in living righteously
Dharamendra: Righteous, Virtuous Man; One who is compassionate and principled
Dharamputra: Yudhistar, Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
Dharamsi: One who has faith in religion, A religious and Pious Person who follows Dharam
Dharamvir: One who Gets Victory on Religion, Warrior of Spirituality
Dharana: Bearing, One who holds together
Dharanija: Born of the Earth, Son of the land
Dharapati: King of Earth, Emperor of the land; one who rules the earth
Dharbaka: Superficial, Exterior; Shallow
Dharin: Gift, gift of Lord
Dharindhar: Serpent, Snake God
Dharineesh: Who Rules the Earth, King; Emperor of the land
Dharinipal: Who Rules the Earth, King; Emperor of the land
Dharish: Glistening, Gleaming; Radiant; Shiny; Glossy
Dharm: Religion, Spirituality; Principles
Dharmachandra: Dharma's Moon, Devoted; One whose luminance is for righteousness
Dharmada: Bestower of Dharma, Provider of Righteousness
Dharmadas: One who Serves his Religion, Servant of Spirituality
Dharmadasa: A religious and Pious Person who is servant of Dharma, One who performs religious duties which are good
Dharmadatta: Given by Dharma, Present of a righteous deed; Provider of righteousness
Dharmadeva: God of Justice, Lord of Dharma; Lord of Righteousness
Dharmadhrt: One who Makes Dharma Realized, One who abides by righteousness
Dharmadhvaja: Dharma Bannered, Extremely Virtuous; Religious; Righteous
Dharmaghosa: Lord of Law, The Voice of Dharma; One who abides by righteousness
Dharmagopa: Protector of Dharma, Defender of Righteousness
Dharmakirti: Fame of Religion, One who is famous for his religious deeds
Dharmamitra: A Friend of Dharma, One who is companion of righteousness and principles
Dharman: Bearer of Dharma, One who Supports Dharma; One who abides by righteousness
Dharmanabha: One who is Happy in Following his Religion, One who is companion of righteousness and principles
Dharmanandana: Son of Dharma, A righteous, compassionate, generous and kind person
Dharmanath: Dharmanath was the name of the 15th Tirthankara. It means Lord of Dharma and righteousness.
Dharmanatha: Lord of Dharma, Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
Dharmanetra: Dharma Eyed, One who views everything with righteousness
Dharmang: One who is receptacle of Dharm (Religion), One whose body is Dharm, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Dharmanga: Whose Body is Dharma, One of the many names of Lord Visnu
Dharmangada: Ornamented by Dharma, One who is renowned for his righteous deeds
Dharmanitya: Constant in Dharma, Righteousness
Dharmapala: One who is Attracted by Religion, Guardian of Dharma; One who abides by the spiritual and divine rules;
Dharmar: One who follows the principles of life, Righteous person
Dharmaraj: King of Religion, King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
Dharmaratna: One whose greatness is because of being righteous, Great Principled Man
Dharmasastha: Protector of Dharma, Defender of Righteousness
Dharmatej: Radiance of righteousness, One who is renowned for his Principles and Spiritual deeds
Dharmatma: One who follows the principles of life, Righteous person
Dharmdas: Servant of Religion, One who is controlled by the Spiritual and Divine Rules
Dharmdeva: Yudhistar, Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
Dharmedra: Pure-souled, Righteous; One who abides by spiritual and divine rules
Dharmee: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Dharmendra: Lord of religion
Dharmesa: Lord of Dharma, Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
Dharmesha: Lord of Dharma, Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
Dharmeshawara: King of Religion, King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
Dharmesvara: God of Dharma, Lord of Righteousness; Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
Dharmeswar: Lord of Righteousness, Compassionate; Generous and Kind person in his deeds
Dharmic: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Dharmin: A Jain variation of the name Dharam. It means righteous or virtuous.
Dharminder: Lord of Dharma and Righteousness, Lord of Religion; God of Spirituality;
Dharmishtha: Wants Religion, One who abides by spiritual and divine rules
Dharmitra: Friend of Religion, One who is companion of righteousness and principles
Dharmmitra: Friend of Religion, One who is companion of righteousness and principles
Dharmodhar: Hindu God Name, One of the many names of Lord Ganapathi
Dharmpal: Protector of his Religion, Defender of Righteousness
Dharmprakash: Yudhistar, Shine of Righteousness; One who is renowned for his Principles
Dharmraj: King of Religion, King of Spirituality; Emperor of Righteousness
Dharmtej: Shine of Righteousness, One who is renowned for his Principles
Dharmvardhan: Pure Souled, Bold Man; Righteous and Prinicipled Person
Dharmveer: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Dharnipal: One who Rules, Emperor;
Dharsen: Name of a famous Jain Acharya
Dharshan: Paying Respect, Praying; Performing religious and spiritual rituals
Dharshana: Religious, Pious; Sacred; Holy; Divine; Spiritual
Dharvin: Blend of Daryl and Marvin
Dhashith: One of many names of Lord Siva
Dhaval: The fair one, a fair child
Dhavalachandra: White Moon, Bright and Lustrous; Pure; Clean
Dhavalchandra: White Moon, Bright and Lustrous; Pure; Clean
Dhavasu: One who is fair complexioned and white, Bright; Lustrous
Dhavesh: One who is fair complexioned and white, Bright; Lustrous
Dhavit: White, Washed; Pure; Clean
Dhavnit: Bard, Poet; Writer; Artist
Dhawal: White, Bright and Lustrous; Pure; Clean
Dhawan: White, Bright and Lustrous; Pure; Clean
Dhayal: Intellectual, Wise; Knowledgeable; Intelligent;
Dheeman: An intelligent man.
Dheemanth: Wise, Thoughtful; Sage Like; Knowledgeable
Dheeran: Achiever, Winner; Victorious
Dheerash: Lord of Tolerance, One with patience; Calm and Composed Person
Dheergayu: One who is blessed with long Life, Blessed to live a complete whole life
Dheeshithan: One of many names of Lord Murugan
Dheivamani: Blessed Gem, Precious Jewel of God
Dhevan: Pious, Religious; Sacred; Godly; Pious