We have created a list of 2287 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter P. This is Page 8 out of 12 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Prabhchet: One who is consumed in God
Prabhchetan: One who is aware of God, ; One who meditates on Lord; Immersed in God's thoughts
Prabhchit: Remembering the Lord by heart, One who meditates on Lord; Immersed in God's thoughts
Prabhdas: Slave of God, Servant of God; One who serves God
Prabhdaya: One for whom God is Merciful, One who recieves God's Grace; Kindness of God
Prabhdeep: A person who is dear to God
Prabhdhan: One for whom God's love is wealth, Richness of God's Love; Prosperity of God's Blessings
Prabhdharam: God is the Religion, Lord is Divinity; Sacred teachings and principles of God
Prabhdheer: Steadfast in God's Love, One who is immersed in God's Love
Prabhdheeraj: One who is patient for God's love, One who awaits God's Love
Prabhdhian: One who contemplates on God, One who meditates on Lord; Immersed in God's thoughts
Prabhgeet: Songs of God, Hymns of Lord; One who praises God through his songs
Prabhgiaan: Divine Knowledge, Holy and Religious Brilliance; Sacred Wisdom
Prabhjas: Lord's Praises, Tributes to Lord; God's Commendations;
Prabhjeevan: One for whom remembrance of God is Life, Lord is Life; One who loves God dearly as life
Prabhjodh: God's Warrior, God's Defender; Guardian of God
Prabhjog: He who is worthy of God
Prabhjote: Light of God, Brightness of Lord; Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of God
Prabhjyot: The God's light
Prabhkamal: Flower of God, God's Lotus;
Prabhkeerat: Lord's Praises, Tributes to Lord; God's Commendations;
Prabhkirpal: God's Grace, Mercy of God; Kindness and Benevolence of God
Prabhlok: Godlike Person, God in man; God for the men
Prabhmehar: One blessed with God's Grace, One who is showered with God's Kindness; Blessed with God's mercy
Prabhmel: Union with God, One who is one with God; Together with the Lord
Prabhnaam: Absorbed in God's Name, Immersed in the name of God; Engrossed in meditating on God's Name
Prabhnirmal: One who is Pure Like God, Innocent like God;
Prabhoat: Lord's Support, Guidance of God; Solace in God; One who seeks comfort in God
Prabhparvaan: One who is accepted by God, One who is acknowledged by God; Recognized by God
Prabhraman: One absorbed in God's Love, One who is immersed in God's Love; Engrossed in God's Love
Prabhrang: A person who is coloured by the love of God
Prabhras: Nectar of God's Love, Divine Nectar; Sweet Honey of God's Love
Prabhratan: One who is the God's precious stone
Prabhsaihaj: Attaining tranquillity through God, One who attains enlightment through God; Attaining peace through God
Prabhsangat: One who loves being with God, Loving the companionship of God; Like's to be in God's presence
Prabhseetal: Attaining peace through God, Attaining tranquillity through God; One who attains enlightment through God
Prabhsev: He who serves the God
Prabhsevak: God's Servant, One who serves God; Slave of the Lord
Prabhsharan: One who takes the shelter of God, Refugee in abode of Lord; One who serves at the feet of God
Prabhsimar: One who Remembers God, One who meditates on God; One who thinks about God always
Prabhsukh: Attaining peace by remembering God, One who attains tranquility by meditation on God
Prabhteerath: One for whom God is the holy place, Divinity and Sacredness of Lord
Prabhu: General meaning of the name is God
Prabhudev: Another name of Lord Shiva
Prabhuh: One who is the Master of the city
Prabhut: A powerful and mighty master
Prabhvichar: He who reflects on God
Prabindh: Hindi name meaning the whole world
Prabir: A brave person who is a hero
Prabjot: Light of God, Brightness of Lord; Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of God
Prabodh: To have an awakening
Prabodha: Divine Knowledge, Holy and Religious Brilliance; Sacred Wisdom
Prabodhan: One who has divine knowledge, One who has holy and religious brilliance; Having sacred Wisdom
Prabu: One who is like a God
Prabudda: A person who is enlightened
Prabuddha: One who has divine knowledge, One who has holy and religious brilliance; Having sacred Wisdom
Prabudh: One who is awakened
Prabudha: An awakened or knowledgable, wise person
Prabutta: One who has divine knowledge, One who has holy and religious brilliance; Having sacred Wisdom
Prachal: One who is peacock-like
Prachand: A bold, hard person
Prachet: A wise person, also a name of Lord Varun
Pracheta: A smart, wise person
Prachetas: An energetic, active person. Also a name of the sage
Pracheth: A delightful, happy person
Prachirn: A Hindu Boy name
Prachit: Lord of Fire, God of Fire; A variant of Agnidev
Prachur: A generous, rich, abundant person
Prachura: To have a lot, many
Pradarsh: One of nice appereance, or to be in order
Pradatt: Name of Lord Varun
Pradeeo: A God-like person
Pradeep: A Lamp that shines light
Pradeesh: The Sweetest, Expectation; Hope; Belief
Pradham: First, Foremost; Important
Pradhan: A chief, a leader of men
Pradhi: An intelligent, smart, knowing person
Pradhumna: A very Mighty individual
Pradhyot: To shine light on others
Pradhyumn: A man who is extremly mighty
Pradhyumna: An extremly powerful, forceful and mighty one
Pradhyun: A glowing and radiant man
Pradip: One who is like a ligh or a lantern
Pradipt: He who is illumanted, glowing
Pradipta: An enlighted, blazing boz
Pradish: A Boy that is the sweetest of them all
Pradnesh: Lord of wisdom, Lord of knowledge; God of Intelligence
Pradosh: A time of day - dusk or twilight
Pradosha: Lord who relieves us from Sins, A time connected with worship of God Shiva
Pradumal: One who is the Lord
Pradumna: A person who is the son of Lord Krishna
Prady: Splendour, Lustrous; Brilliance; Radiance; To illuminate
Pradynesh: The name of Lord Ganesh
Pradyot: Splendour, Lustrous; Brilliance; Radiance; To illuminate
Pradyoth: He who illuminates others
Pradyumn: A person who is a son of Lord Krishna
Pradyumna: A very mighty person
Pradyun: Splendour, Lustrous; Brilliance; Radiance; To illuminate
Pradyut: One who is like a light
Praen: An English baby Boy name
Praful: Blooming, Brilliant; Glowing; Splendid; Magnificent
Prafuldeep: Blooming Lamp, Brilliant light; Splendid brightness; Brilliant Radiance
Prafuljeet: Blooming Victory, Brilliant Triumph; Splendourous Success; Magnificent Victory
Prafull: One who is blooming. A playfull and cheerful person
Pragalsingh: Radiant, Glowing; Bright; Luminant; Brilliant; Splendid; Magnificent
Pragdeesh: A person who will progres and advance in life
Prageet: Song, Lyric; Brilliant Song;
Pragnan: A brainy, very smart person
Pragnay: Famous, Scholar; One with Fame; One of many names of Lord Ganesh signifying his knowledge and wisdom
Pragnesh: A very wise, brainy, intelligent person
Pragnya: A well known, famous scholar
Pragnyan: One who is full of wisdom, an intelligent one
Pragra: One who is on the highest point, on the top
Pragritya: A famous person, a celebrety
Pragun: A straightforward person, someone who is honest
Pragunya: A clever, intelligent individual
Pragyan: One who posesses the greater knowledge
Prahabat: A forth that is shining. Also means morning, dawn.
Prahalad: Bliss, Happiness; Ecstasy; Joy; Pleasure; Harmony
Prahalathan: One who is the best disciple according to Indian Mythology
Prahald: Prayer, Spiritual Bliss; Divine Wisdom;
Prahallad: An excess of happiness and joy
Prahallada: The feeling of happiness and bliss
Prahan: An extremly kind and generous person
Prahar: An attack, agression, charge
Praharaj: King of happiness, King of Bliss; Joy and Cheerful Ruler
Praharsh: Extreme Happiness, Joy; Delight; Cheer; Glad
Prahas: A person who has a lot of qualities. An upright individual
Prahasan: Good Smile, Contenment and Peaceful; Happy and cheerful; Joyful
Prahasit: Famous, Always Laughing; Always Happy and cheerful; Joyful
Prahasta: Means long-head, Name of powerful rakshasa warrior; Chief commander of Ravana's army of Lanka
Prahaval: To have a magnificent form
Prahil: To be a part of the God
Prahlad: Bliss, Happiness; Ecstasy; Joy; Pleasure; Harmony
Prahlada: A person who is filled with joy
Prahladan: A jouful person, one filled with happiness
Prahor: An eight part of the night or a day
Prahsith: Famous, Always Laughing; Always Happy and cheerful; Joyful
Prailes: A surname of German Origin
Prairie: A person who comes from the flatlands
Praiv: Brave, Mighty; Strong; Courageous
Prajai: One who is a citizen, a civilian
Prajakanth: Light to People, Brightness; Brilliance; Radiance
Prajakt: The God of all the creation
Prajal: Shining, Glowing; Brilliant; Radiant; Bright
Prajana: Wisdom, Knowledge; One of many names of Goddess Saraswathi
Prajapala: Protector of Creatures, Defender of Creatures; Guardian of men
Prajapati: King of Men, Lord of Men; Lord of creatures; One of many names of Lord Brahma
Prajaranjak: A person who is deeply devoted to God
Prajaranjan: One who likes to please others
Prajas: One who is born
Prajav: One who moves quickly
Prajay: A person who is a civilian or a citizen
Prajeet: Victorious, Successful; Triumph;
Prajeeth: A person who is a victror, a winner
Prajesh: King of Men, Lord of Men; Lord of creatures; One of many names of Lord Brahma
Prajesha: One who is the God, the Lord of the creatures
Prajeshwara: King of Men, Lord of Men; Lord of creatures; One of many names of Lord Brahma
Prajin: Kind, Compassionate; Benevolent; Generous; Considerate; Empathetic
Prajit: Kind, Compassionate; Benevolent; Generous; Considerate; Empathetic
Prajite: Kind, Compassionate; Benevolent; Generous; Considerate; Empathetic; A variant of Prajit
Prajith: One who is kind, generous and good
Prajivan: An energetic, enthusiastic person
Prajjwal: A person who is bright like the light
Prajnan: A clever, brainy and wise individual
Prajnay: A baby Boy name of Hindi origins
Prajul: A Hindi baby Boy name
Prajval: Brightness, Shining; Radiant; Brilliant; Luminance
Prajwal: A man who shines bright
Prajwat: The first ray of sunlight in the dawn
Prajyana: A Hindi unisex name, given to both Boys and girls
Prajyot: One who is lightened, illuminated
Prak: Silver
Prakam: One who is joyful and has many desires
Prakar: A respected person who always does well
Prakasam: Brightness, Shining; Radiant; Brilliant; Luminance
Prakash: Light, Brightness; Shining; Radiant; Brilliant; Luminance
Prakasha: He who is the light
Prakashbir: Famous and Brave, Brilliant and Mighty; One who shines through his courage and bravery
Prakashdeep: Light of Lamp, Brightness; Brilliance and Radiance of Light
Prakashik: A person who enlightens others
Prakashleen: Imbued in the Light, Filled in brightness and brilliance
Prakat: A manifested, demonstrated, revealed person
Praket: Intelligence, Knowledge; Wisdom; Brilliance; Brightness
Prakhar: Shape, Summit, Form; Nature
Prakher: An intelligent and brainy person
Prakhil: A Hindi name given to Boys
Prakhyat: A famous individual
Prakjash: A very proud
Prakrit: Nature, Environment; Life; Surroundings
Prakriti: One who is beautiful like a nature
Prakruth: Indian name meaning nature
Prakshit: Name of a Kuru King who helped Yudhisthir to become king of Hastinapur
Prakul: Handsome, Charming; Appealing; Attractive; Good Looking; Beautiful
Prakunj: A masculine name of Hindi origin
Prakyath: Popular, Well known; Renowned; Celebrity; Fame
Pralay: A name for Himalaya. Also means disaster
Pralaya: A feeling of dissolution, separation and rapture
Pralden: A person who spreads love around himself
Pralhalad: He who brings joy to the world