We have created a list of 1695 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter C. This is Page 8 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Colette: One who is victorious and an achiever in all fields
Coleyne: A young woman, a girl
Colie: A female form of Nicholas, which means Victory or triumph of the people
Coligny: One who hails from Cologne, the fourth largest city of Germany
Colina: A little dog, a pup; a young dog
Coline: Derived from the name Nicholas, meaning the triumph of the people
Colissa: A young woman who is charming, lovely and delightful
Colista: The most gorgeous, good looking and beautiful of all
Colleen: Derived from the Irish name meaning Girl, a young lady
Collete: Triumph of men against an enemy, victory of men
Colletta: One who is victorious, winner and achiever
Collette: People who have emerged victorious
Colley: A black coloured bird
Collibe: Hailing from a dark, dull village with no source of light
Collice: Girl, female, lady, a relatively young woman
Collyn: Derived from an Irish word "Colleen" meaning girl, a young woman
Collys: A young woman, a girl
Colma: A dove, a stout bird that resembles a pigeon, and is used as a symbol of peace
Coloma: Dove
Colombe: Dove, a small stout bird that resembles pigeon
Columba: Dove, a bird resembling pigeon and a symbol for peace
Columbia: A name of a famous place in America
Columbine: Dove, the bird used as a symbol for peace; a small white bird resembling a pigeon
Comfort: Strength, powerful and tough; having high durability and solidity
Conary: A wise person, a man who is filled with knowledge
Conceicao: Conception, the process of conceiving a baby; forming an idea
Concepcion: Conception, the act of fertilization in animals
Concepta: Refers to the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary
Concetta: A reference to Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary in her mother's womb
Concha: Seashell, the outer shell of a marine animal, necessary for its protection
Conchita: Derived from "Concha", that means seashell in Spanish
Concord: Calm, peace, tranquility, non-violence, still and quiet
Concordia: Harmony, peace, tranquil and amity
Cong: Intelligent, one who has lots of wisdom and excels in every aspect
Conni: Constant, never changing; persistent; abiding
Connie: Hero, a courageous person, who is respected and admired by all
Conradina: Fearless, bold, never afraid, undaunted, valiant
Consolata: The act of consolation, to give solace to a person who is passing through a hard time
Consolation: The title given to Virgin Mary, can also mean solace
Constance: Steadfast and firm of purpose, dependable and dedicated
Constancia: Steadfast, reliable and trustworthy
Constancta: Steadfast
Constancy: Reliable and steadfast, can be depended on
Constantia: Something that never changes, constant and persistent
Constantina: Continuous, abiding, and constant, does not change
Constanza: Abiding, stable and persistent, never changing
Constanze: Sustained, steady and constant, does not change with time
Consuela: Consolation, the act of comforting someone at the time of distress
Consuelo: Consoling someone at their time of distress
Content: Happy and satisfied with everything in life
Contessa: Royalty, hailing from a royal bloodline
Conwenna: One who is white, fair and blessed.
Cooper: Maker of wooden objects like tubs, buckets, barrels, etc
Copeland: A purchased land, a land that is bought
Copland: Derived from the name of a place
Coppa: A golden coup, a reward
Coppelia: A story of a girl with enamel eyes
Cora: Boiling water that has foams, can also mean maiden, a young woman
Corabelle: Maiden, an unmarried woman; a spinster
Coraima: A young, unmarried woman, Maiden
Coral: A beautiful plant growing in the sea, that is used to make ornaments and jewellery
Coralee: A maiden, a young unmarried woman
Coralia: Maiden, a beautiful unmarried young woman
Coralie: A jewel that is made from coral plants, obtained from oceans
Coralin: Obtained from corals, plants that grow in seas
Coralina: Something that is made from corals, plants growing in the sea
Coraline: From the beautiful, pink coloured marine plants named corals
Coralyn: A young, unmarried girl, a maiden
Corazon: Heart, the essential body part that pumps blood throughout the body
Corda: One who makes strings and chords, a regular wearer of ribbons and ties
Cordelia: One who is considered as the daughter of the sea in mythologies
Cordella: The heart, the part of the body that has the function of pumping of blood throghout the body
Cordessa: The daughter of the sea in Greek mythology
Cordette: A small, little, tiny heart
Cordia: A tiny heart, one who has a tiny heart
Cordula: The heart, the blood pumping organ of the body
Corelia: A name of unknown meaning. Also, a name of the Californian metal band
Corella: A maiden, a young, beautiful woman
Corene: A maiden, an unmarried young woman
Corentine: A violent storm, hurricane or tornado
Coretta: An unmarried, young woman, a maiden
Corette: An unmarried, young, virgin woman, Maiden
Coriander: A herbaceous plant used in culinary
Coriann: A seething, boiling, turbulent pool
Corianne: From a turbulent, boiling, seething pool
Corie: A pool that is bubbling, boiling and turbulent
Corina: Maiden, a beautiful, young, unmarried, virgin woman
Corine: A young, good looking woman, a Maiden
Corinn: Maiden, a young, unmarried, virgin woman
Corinna: A young, unmarried woman, a Maiden
Corinne: An attractive, young, unmarried woman
Corinthia: A woman hailing from Corinth, an ancient city in Greece
Corisa: From a ravine, a boiling, frothing pool
Corisande: The flower of the heart, the person closest to the heart
Corissa: A young, unmarried virgin, a Maiden
Corissia: A young, beautiful woman, a maiden
Corla: Living in the seas and oceans
Corlee: Generous and happy, jolly, cheery and animated in behaviour
Corlene: A maiden, a young, unmarried woman
Corlie: One who is carefree and cheerful, a nonchalant happy go lucky person
Corliss: Good hearted, generous, cheerful and nonchalant
Corlissa: Good hearted person, who is generous and nonchalant
Corly: Cheerful and nonchalant, A good hearted and serene person
Cornelia: A person who is firm, wise and strongwilled
Cornie: A bony growth on animals, horns
Corona: Crown, Name of a second century Saint and Martyr
Corra: An unmarried virgin woman, a maiden
Corri: A frothing, bubbly pool from a round hill
Corrianna: A bubbly, frothy seething pool from the round hills
Corrianne: From the bubbly, frothy seething pools
Corrie: A ravine, seething pool or frothing water
Corrina: A maiden, young, unmarried virgin woman
Corrine: Derived from "Corinna", meaning Maiden, a young unmarried woman
Corrissa: Maiden, a young, virgin, unmarried woman
Corry: A bubbly, frothy pool or ravine
Cortana: A sword, a weapon used at the time of war
Cortie: From a seething, frothing pool or ravine
Cortnie: One who works and lives at court
Cortny: A dweller of court, a courtier; one who lives in court
Corvina: A person who has dark hair, like the raven's
Coryn: Triumph of the people, victory of people
Corynn: A beautiful, unmarried young woman
Cosette: Something that is small, tiny and little
Cosima: Harmony and peace in the universe
Cosmina: Peace with life, Praise; Commend. It is the Romanian form of "Cosmas".
Coszcatl: Jewel
Cotovatre: Name of a lake
Coty: Helpful, Shield; Protective individual
Countess: Feminine equivalent of the word "count"
Coure: One who maintains a top position
Courel: One who has a versatile nature
Courtenay: Literally means "From the court", When translated into French, it refers to "Short nosed"; From Courtenay in Northern France.
Courtlin: Courtland, Also means "From the court"
Courtlyn: Well mannered, Polished; Courtly; Courteous
Courtlynn: Well Behaved and mannered, Polished; Courtly; Courteous
Courtnay: Lives in the court, Courtdweller
Courtnee: Domain of the Curtius, It is an alternative version of "Courtney"; Courteous
Courtney: Domain of the Curtius, It is an alternative version of "Courtney"; Courteous
Courtny: Domain of the Curtius, Courteous; Courtdweller
Cow: Arabic word for a wild cow
Coy: Silent, Steady like forest
Coye: Woods, one who is of best quality
Coyolxauhqui: Golden bells
Cozamalotl: Rainbow
Cozette: Little thing, Derived from the word "cose" which means little,small
Cra: Absolute and pure Elegance, Decency
Crad: Diminutive of "Caradoc" which means extremely adored,loved
Cramer: Delightful, Exultation; Triumph; In Old german it means "salesperson"
Creasy: Graceful, Pleasant; Kind
Creda: Faithful, Trustworthy; Honourable
Creeda: A woman of Faith, Feminine of "Creed"
Creola: Habitant of the Native land Creole
Cresanna: One who loves solitude and is bold
Crescence: Growing, Increasing; Developing; French form of "Crescentia".
Crescencia: "To grow" in French
Crescent: A variant of Crescens, it is now considered a nature name referring to the phase of the moon, Derived from the Latin word "Crescere"
Crescentia: To Sprout, Grow; Feminine form of "Crescentius"
Cresence: French form of "Crescentia", To Grow; Get bigger; Develop
Cressa: Diminutive of "Cressida", Medieval form of "Chryseis" meaning "Golden"
Cressence: One who is increasing and evergrowing
Cressida: Shakespeare used this word from the Ancient Greek name "Chryseis" meaning Golden
Crestian: Derived from the Biblical name "Christianity", Follower of Christ
Crestina: Christianity woman
Creston: Someone who is reputed and honourable
Crete: Variant transcription of the name "Crecia" or the French form "Creste" meaning peak of a hill and hence people who resided nearby were termed as Crete
Crew: Of the chariot, It is a variant of the name "Carew"; It comes from when a family lives as dwellers at a cattlepen in the UK.
Crews: A family which once had lived as dwellers at a cattlepen or a cattlefold
Cricket: Resembling a chirping insect of the night,
Crimson: A strong, scintillating, deep red colour, Synonyms in Thesaurus include bloody, blush, rose
Crina: Lily flower
Crisann: Bright, Shining; Clear
Criselda: A variation of Chriselda, meaning bearing Christ.
Criseyde: It is the old English form of the Greek name "Cressida", Daughter of Chryses; Golden
Crisiant: Crystal, Clear; Bright
Crispina: Feminine of "Crispin", Frizzyhaired
Crissa: Could be an elaboration of "Cris", Invariant of Cressa; Disciple of Christ
Crissie: Diminutive of "Christine", Follower of Christ
Crissy: Abbreviation of "Christine", Disciple of Christ
Crista: Spanish and Femine form of the name "Christianity", Also means "appointed one".
Cristabel: Combination of "Christina" and the suffix "bel", a beautiful Christianity
Cristal: Invariant of the word "Crystal", Clear; Pure
Cristan: Follower of Jesus Christ
Cristel: Invariant form of the Greek name "Crystal", Follower of Christ; Ice
Cristela: Derivation from the Greek name "Crystal", Ice; Clear; Follower of Christ
Cristen: Invariant form of the Latin name "Christianityus", Disciple of Christ
Cristi: Diminutive of the Latin name "Christina", Follower of Christ
Cristiana: Italian, Portuguese and feminine form of the name "Christianity", Follower of Christ
Cristiania: Variant of the name "Christina" which means follower of Christ
Cristie: Diminutive of "Christine", Believer of Christ
Cristin: Short for "Christine", Servant of Christ
Cristina: Diminutive of "Christine", Follower and believer of Christ
Cristine: Italian and Spanish form of "Christine", Follower of Christ
Cristle: Clear and transparent, A variant of the name "Crystal"
Cristy: A variant form of "Christine" meaning 'anointed', Follower of Christ
Cristyn: English variant of the name "Christine", Disciple of Christ
Crocifissa: Implies "Crucifix" in Italian, Represents that of Jesus Christ crucification
Crosbie: A variant of "Crosby", By the cross
Cruzita: A little cross
Crwys: Another name of Cross, crucifix
Cry: Woman of faith