We have created a list of 1695 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter C. This is Page 9 out of 9 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Cryda: Faithful woman
Cryst: Colorless glass
Crysta: A Christian
Crystal: A clear glass
Crystan: Able and naive
Crystel: Iced crystal
Crysten: Follows Christ
Crystene: Sanctify, filled with purity
Crystiana: A follower of Christ
Crystin: The one who follows Christ
Crystina: Follows jesus
Csilla: A shining star
Cualli: Good, a good natured man.
Cuc: A flower called Chysanthemum
Cuca: A gambling woman
Cucu: A grandchild
Cui: A Prince, advent of night
Cuicatl: Song
Cunoarda: A noble, alluring person
Cunovinda: Creative and attractive people
Cupun: Inuit word for coal.
Currine: Dagger, something which is a used as a weapon
Cussata: Untiring, a zealous individual
Custa: A serious and aggressive individual
Custance: Mother of Arthur, together
Custancia: A skilled, talented person
Custans: An adept, nice and a strict person
Custe: Clover plant
Cutha: Comical person
Cuthburga: A massive fortress
Cuthburh: One who keeps records
Cuthfleda: Unselfish, honest and tidy being
Cvenild: A literary person
Cvetka: Blossom, flower
Cvinda: Love and caring
Cwen: A born Queen
Cwenburg: Fortress of the Queen
Cwenburh: Queen's huge fortress
Cwenthryth: A naive, tactful being
Cwentun: Queen's estate
Cyan: Greenish blue in color
Cyane: Bright blue colored
Cybele: Mythical Goddess
Cybil: The one who tells fortune
Cybill: Shepherdess, Goddess
Cybille: A great mother
Cydnee: Derived from St. Denis
Cydney: Riverside meadow
Cydonia: A born leader
Cyhha: Name of an English place
Cyla: From the ancient times.
Cyleigh: A beautiful, darling daughter
Cylla: Monster of Sea
Cyma: The one who is expecting a baby
Cymani: An inspiring woman
Cymberly: Meadow of the royalty
Cymbre: A famous warrior, war heroine
Cymphonique: A proud, noble person
Cyn: Derived from Mount Kynthos
Cynal: Moon Goddess
Cynara: A growing plant
Cyndee: A bright child
Cyndi: The Greek Moon-Goddess
Cyndy: The one from Kynthos
Cyne: A Royal person
Cyneburg: Daughter of a King
Cyneburga: The one from Royal fortress
Cyneburh: A famous personality
Cynedeall: An optimistic, fun-loving person
Cyneswith: Well-Spoken
Cynethryth: A consistent being
Cynewise: A sensible being
Cyniburg: Rebellious natured
Cynlee: The one who is admired
Cynna: One who is tough.
Cynog: A confident, self assured person
Cynorah: The one who is followed
Cynreow: Noble beautiful being
Cynthia: Beautiful Moon Goddess
Cynthianna: The one from Moon
Cynthya: Beautiful one from Mount Cynthus
Cynwise: An innocent, well spoken person
Cypress: A strong, adaptable being
Cyra: Moon faced
Cyrah: Lord-like figure
Cyren: One with alluring personality
Cyrena: Aristaeus's Mother
Cyrenia: Alluring personality
Cyrilla: Beautiful lady
Cyrille: The master
Cyrina: A born Queen
Cyssi: A cheerful girl
Cytheria: Beautiful Goddess of love
Cythina: A woman from Kynthos
Czarina: A born Empress