We have created a list of 1570 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter E. This is Page 7 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Erisudar: it means intelligent.
Erix: island ruler or eternal ruler.
Eriyadi: Latin - Po River, Name of a constellation representing a river
Erjot: a new beginning.
Erkenbaud: an ancient king of Northumberland.
Erkerd: sacred or pios or sacrosanct.
Erkki: Finnish word meaning ruler of all.
Erl: a warrior or nobleman.
Erland: a leader.
Erle: a leader or nobleman or warrior or prince.
Erlend: a stranger.
Êrlimât: Greenlandic variant form of Êrimât, meaning army man.
Erling: heir of clanchief.
Êrlínge: Greenlandic form of Erling, meaning descendant of the jarl.
Erman: whole, immense or universal or army man.
Ermanno: it means a mighty defender.
Ermenegildo: Immense tribute
Ermengild: immense treasure.
Ermenhilda: a word meaning huge treasure.
Ermenred: a historical figure featuring in England's monarchical pedigree.
Ermin: Greek word meaning universal or whole.
Erminio: associated with Greek god for speed and good luck.
Erminus: an Albanian word meaning wind from the Ion seas.
Ermo: A diminutive of Erasmus. It means beloved.
Ern: serious, determined, earnestness and vigour.
Ernangnaĸ: Winged harpoon
Erneeraq: Son
Ernesh: Sincere, Battle to the death; Determined; Honest
Ernest: somebody who is determined and serious.
Ernestino: an earnest and determined effort.
Ernesto: a Spanish masculinated word meaning determined and serious.
Ernet: Bird,
Erno: a Finnish word meaning serious and determined.
Ernoldus: eagle ruler or strong as an eagle.
Ernouf: Wolf eagle
Ernst: a word which means serious and determined.
Ernulf: a Christianity religious figure of historical period.
Ernwyd: a fictional character who is a Hobbit.
Erol: it means brave.
Eron: enlightened or mountain of strength or high mountain.
Eros: it means love.
Eroth: Psychic, Intelligent; Brilliant; Clever
Erp: Name of Meldun's son.
Erran: Eagle, Bird Name; A Tamil name for Eagle
Errigal: the name of an Irish mountain.
Errol: army commander.
Erroll: someone who commands an army.
Erryn: it means exalted or strong.
Erskine: a Scottish surname.
Erth: a German word for earth.
Erudheri: One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
Eruera: Eruera is the Maori form of Edward and means rich and happy guardian.
Erukainure: We have helped them
Erumelivasan: One who Lives in Erumeli, One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
Eruyarththan: One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
Erv: high cliff or fresh water.
Ervad: Religious Teacher, Spiritual Leader;
Ervar: Befitting a Hero, One who is heroic;
Ervin: fresh water or beautiful.
Ervine: a beautiful friend.
Erving: a descendant of Eiramhon.
Ervins: green fresh water or beautiful friend.
Ervyn: a word which means someone who is a beautiful friend.
Erwan: The archer
Erwann: Erwann is a variant of Erwan and means the archer
Erwin: a friend who is beautiful or fresh and green water.
Erwinek: friend at sea.
Erwinn: fresh green water or a beautiful friend.
Erwyn: a word which in essence means a beautiful friend or green and fresh water.
Erwyna: a feminized word which has the meaning of a beautiful friend or fresh and green water.
Erwynn: in essence it means water that is green and fresh or a beautiful friend.
Eryk: someone who is a ruler for eternity.
Erysichthon: someone who has been cursed with an insatiable hunger which finally leads to his death.
Eryx: in Greek mythology the son of Poseidon and Aphrodite.
Erzhan: Brave and courageous husband
Esa: someone for whom god is the ultimate salvation.
Esad: One who is very lucky.
Esadowa: it means wolves.
Esai: a Spanish word meaning god is my salvation.
Esaiko: a king of music.
Esaki: South Indian Local God, A Tamil God; A variant spelling is Esakki
Esakki: Tamil God, South Indian Local God; A variant spelling is Esaki
Esam: Arabic - Safeguard, A variant spelling is Essam; Connection; Bond; Promise
Esau: a person who finishes.
Esben: a divine bear.
Esbern: A divine bear.
Esbjorn: Bear of the gods.
Esca: someone who feels strongly for nature.
Escarans: an angel fish or someone strongly attracted towards nature.
Escher: a German name for someone who lived near an ash tree or grove.
Esclamor: an Arthurian word used in literature for someone who is attracted towards nature.
Esco: a person who is in deep love with the nature.
Esdras: it means to help.
Ese: a Frisian word meaning god.
Esegar: a word used for referring to God.
Eseoghene: God's gift
Eserovwe: God's grace
Esfandyar: Name of a character in Shahnameh.
Esh: God, Supreme Being; Lord; Master
Eshaan: God, Supreme Being; Lord; Master; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eshai: A form of Jesse, meaning God exists.
Eshakol: A grape cluster
Eshan: God, Supreme Being; Lord; Master; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eshanputra: One who is the child of Lord Shiva
Eshansh: A Part of God, A divine part; A blessing of God
Eshanth: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu
Eshaq: Prophet's name.
Eshar: Blessed, Prosperous; Rich; Wealthy; Gifted
Esharbir: Brave as god.
Esharveer: God's Warrior, One who is defender of God; Protector of God; Fights for God
Eshin: understanding mind or wisdom.
Eshit: Desired, Wished; Long; Crave; One who is longed and wanted
Eshkol: Hebrew - Cluster of Grapes, Derivatives of Eshkol include the names Eshckol, Eshkole, and Eshkoll.
Eshvar: God, Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eshwar: God, Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eshwaransh: a part of lord Shiva.
Eshwarchandra: One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying his form adorned with moon, God Adorned by Moon
Eshwardutt: Gift of God, Blessing of God; God's prize; Present from God
Eshwarjeet: god's victory.
Eskandar: Iranian form of Alexander.
Eskander: Persian word for Alexander.
Eske: Spear of the gods.
Eskil: god or divinity.
Esli: near me or someone who separates.
Esmae: French word meaning respected.
Esmaeel: it is one of the prophets mentioned in Quran.
Esmail: a name used for prophets mentioned in Quranic verses.
Esmay: esteemed or to love.
Esme: a French word for esteem.
Esmond: protected by god.
Esmund: someone who is protected by god.
Esne: in Anglo-Saxon culture a labourer or a small class person.
Esomchi: Walking with the lord or one who follows God
Esota: a baby born at easter.
Espa�a: a bear which belonged to god.
Espen: a Dutch name for a bear which was owned by god.
Esperance: hope.
Esperanza: Spanish word for hope.
Esperaunce: to dream or to hope.
Espiridion: little spirit.
Espn: an abbreviation for a popular American television sports channel.
Esprit: a French word meaning spirit.
Esrlson: a nobleman's son.
Essam: Arabic - Safeguard, A variant spelling is Esaam; Connection; Bond; Promise
Essery: a cart maker.
Essex: an ancient king from Shakespearen legend.
Essien: a name used for a sixth born child.
Essra: it means help.
Estanislao: strength or firmness or glory or fame.
Estcott: someone who is from the east cottage.
Este: an Italian word meaning someone from the east.
Esteban: crowned in victory.
Estefan: a Spanish word which means someone who is crowned in victory.
Estember: a Spanish word relating to stars.
Esten: eastern town or island.
Estephen: victorious or corwned or someone crowned victoriously.
Estevan: this is a Spanish word which means crown.
Estevao: a Portuguese word which means crown.
Estevo: crown or garland.
Estibaliz: something which occurs in the summer.
Estienne: a French word meaning star or crowned.
Estmar: a Spanish word meaning esteem.
Eston: generally a surname meaning from east town.
Estorause: an Arthurian king.
Esupofo: The devil has lost.
Eswanth: a word for Lord Krishna.
Eswar: God, Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eswara: God, Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eswarapu: God, Supreme Being; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Etaidaferua: Words of the wealthy are more acceptable
Etaka: One who is loving to others, Kind; Affectionate
Etalpalli: Nahuatl word for wing.
Etan: a steady and strong person.
Etana: a Hawaiian word meaning strong.
Etanomare: Freed from blame or despair
Etapatra: dappled leaves.
Etaredafe: Words of the wealthy
Etasa: shining dappled horse or one who desires.
Etash: Luminous, Radiant; Bright; Brilliant
Etemaad: faith or trust in African.
Etemad: reliance or trust or confidence in another person.
Etera: Aid or help
Eternus: a word meaning to infinity or forever.
Etguino: a name which has the meaning of forever after or till infinity.
Etguinum: till eternity or forever or till the ending of time.
Ethan: strong or gift of the island.
Ethanael: god has given me strength.
Ethaniel: this is an English language name used for someone whose strength has been given by god.
Ethann: a gift from an island or someone who is strong and sturdy.
Ethari: Luminous, Radiant; Bright; Brilliant
Ethbin: popularized by Saint Ethbin an ancient religious figure.
Ethelard: a German mascuilinized word which means noble.
Ethelbert: name of a king meaning noble and bright.
Ethelheard: someone who is noble by blood but also extremely strong.
Ethelind: an Anglo-Saxon name meaning noble snake.
Ethelmar: noble greatness.
Ethelred: noble counsel.
Ethelrede: an archaic English word meaning noble counsel.
Ethelric: noble ruler.
Ethelsige: an Anglo-Saxon king.