We have created a list of 1570 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter E. This is Page 8 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ethelwin: an Anglo-Saxon name meaning a noble friend.
Ethelwulf: a noble wolf.
Ethelwyn: a word which means a noble friend in Anglo-Saxon.
Ethelwynne: a maculinized Old English word meaning a noble friend.
Ethen: safe or firm or strong.
Ether: to talk.
Ethibal: noble talk.
Ethilfrith: an old archaic word meaning noble talk.
Ethinder: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Ethiopia: a name of a country.
Ethiraj: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Supreme Being
Ethirajan: One of many names of Lord Shiva, Supreme Being
Ethmer: a teutonic word meaning noble or friend.
Etienne: it means crown.
Etizaaz: To become mighty, to become honored.
Etrit: a bright sparkling radiant star.
Ettan: Breath, Life
Etterni: a masculinized name which means lover.
Ettore: someone steadfast.
Etuate: Etuate is a form of Edward. It means rich guard.
Etwald: a German word meaning star.
Etzel: a fictional character in Attila and the Hun.
Euan: born of the Yew tree.
Eubank: an Anglo-Saxon surname possibly referring to the Yew's banks.
Eubule: a Greek word meaning good counsel.
Euclid: glory, also a very famous mathematician.
Eudaf: it means glory.
Euddogwy: a famous saint pilgrim of ancient times.
Eudeat: used to refer to a very ancient saint pilgrim.
Eudel: from the yew tree valley.
Eudelme: a grove of yew trees.
Eudes: the name of a French saint.
Eudeyrn: fond of his king.
Euell: spring or source of a river.
Eugen: well born or noble.
Eugene: a Greek word meaning high born or noble by birth.
Eugenie: novility or high born individual.
Eugenio: a Spanish name for nobility or high born.
Eugenius: a Greek name meaning well born or high born or nobility.
Eugeniusz: a Polish word meaning high born or nobility.
Eugered: a German word meaning nobility or high born.
Eugeret: a word which means someone who is a high born or a nobility.
Euilaun: an Italian name for someone who has been born into the nobility.
Eulalia: a saint who got martyred.
Eulalio: a Greek word meaning sweetly spoken or soft spoken.
Eulyses: wrathful or hater.
Eumer: somebody who hates.
Eumir: a person who is wrathful or hates a lot.
Euphranor: To delight
Eurddolad: a Gaelic word for justice.
Euripides: The name refers to the strait between Euboea and Boeotia.
Euroa: a place in Australia.
Eurythmia: rhythmic or well proportioned.
Eusebio: one who worships well.
Eusebios: He who is pious.
Eusebius: pious or worships well.
Euseby: it means pious or one who worships well.
Eustace: Greek word for productive or frutiful.
Eustache: fertile.
Eustachio: a very famous saint.
Eustachys: Fruitful
Eustacio: healthy and strong or good harvest or fruitful.
Eustacius: good or well fruitful.
Eustaquio: a Spanish word meaning fruitful or productive.
Eustathius: Well-built, or stable
Euthymius: In good spirits
Eutigirn: a Welsh name meaning fond of his king.
Eutimio: Good-spirited, one with a good spirit.
Evald: someone as battle ready as a boar.
Evan: god has been gracious or stone or right hander or youth.
Evanam: my prayer has been heard.
Evander: good man.
Evandro: a Latin word meaning good man.
Evann: a good fighter who is young.
Evans: god is good.
Evaraj: One who shines as Bright as the Sun, Luminant and Radiant like Sun; Brilliant like Sun
Evaristo: well pleasing.
Evavad: Truthful, Honest; Faithful; One who does not lie or cheat
Evavada: a truthful well pleasing person,
Evayavan: One who is quick, One who grants all wishes; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Evdeam: somebody who is honest truthful and a pleasing person.
Evelake: in Arthurian legend the name of a king.
Even: god is gracious or born of yew or youth.
Evenezer: Foundation stone
Evening: the dusk or time of the day when the sun sets.
Ever: strong as a boar.
Everard: wild boar or brave hardy.
Everardo: brave or hardy.
Everd: brave boar or strong boar.
Everest: the tallest mountain in the whole world.
Everet: brave as a wilf boar.
Everett: somebody who is very brave like a wild boar.
Everette: a person during ancient ages who was extremely brave like a wild boar.
Everhard: someone who is always hard and strong and sturdy.
Everhardt: boar's bravery.
Everhart: a Gaelic word which means as brave as a boar.
Everild: Latinized form of a 7th century saint's name.
Evers: son of Evert.
Evert: describes someone who is as strong as a wild boar
Everten: a German word for a wild boar or someone as strong as a bear.
Everton: a Norwegian word meaning wild boar.
Everwyn: He who is a friend of the sea
Evgen: One who was born good
Evgeni: He who was born good
Evgeniy: He who was born as a good person
Evil: One who is not a good person, an evil one
Evin: The God's goodness
Evinrude: A swift boat.
Evolengi: A long-lived man
Evolengus: To have a long life
Evrad: He who is a brave boar
Evram: Variation of Avram, meaning the father of many nations
Evrard: A man who is strong as a boar
Evraud: He who has the strenght of a boar
Evron: To be fruitful
Evyamarut: One who is under the protection of Martus
Evyavan: One who grants all wishes, One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Evžen: He who is well born
Ewald: One who follows customs and rules
Ewan: A man born of the yew tree
Ewart: A guard who is rich
Ewball: An independent and confident individual
Eweheorde: Someone who keeps the sheep together in a flock.
Ewel: He somes form the spring of water
Ewelike: It's not by power
Ewell: A man who is from the water spring
Ewen: One who is of the yew tree
Ewin: He who is born of the yew tree
Ewing: The children of the yew trees
Exene: A self sufficient, responsible and reasonable being
Exton: A place name, one who comes from the town Exton
Eyad: One who possesses power and might
Eyal: To have strenght and might
Eyan: To feel the graciousness of God
Eyfrod: The one who was farmed at tongue.
Eyhab: He who is an uncle
Eyjolf: The one who was killed by Kari.
Eylgar: A clever minded, analytical and original being
Eylmer: A noble person
Eylo: Eagle or brave
Eymen: More fortunate, Lucky, Auspicious, Blessed
Eysteinn: The stone island.
Eytan: A solid and enduring person
Eyvind: The winner of the iselands
Eyvindur: Lucky warrior.
Eyyup: Eyyup is the Turkish form of Job and means he that weeps or cries.
Eza: One who is always eager to help
Ezaz: A man to whom honour comes first
Eze: A person who is a King
Ezechiall: He who is made stronger by God
Ezechiel: The God made him stronger
Ezekial: A name means "God strenghtens"
Ezekiel: A person who is made stronger by God
Ezell: A noble-born person
Ezequias: One who finds strenght in Yahweh
Ezequiel: One made stronger by God
Ezesinachi: The chief is from God.
Ezeudo: King of peace.
Ezhilan: A man of humble character
Ezhilarasan: The most beautiful King of all
Ezhilinpan: The beauty that happiness brings
Ezhillovian: An artist who is the most pretty
Ezhno: One who lives in solitary
Ezhumalai: Lord Venkateshwara, Lord of Seven Hills; Lord Balaji; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Ezio: One who is like an eagle
Ezra: One who loves to help others
Ezrah: A helpful person
Ezri: He who enjoys helping people
Ezriel: He who recieved help of God
Eztli: Aztec name meaning "Blood"