We have created a list of 1570 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter E. This is Page 6 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Emond: this means someone who is the protector.
Emory: brave, powerful, industrious leader.
Empa: a leader of the people derived from the word emperor.
Emps: derived from the word emperor this name means a commander.
Emran: progress or achievement.
Emre: a friend who is loving or an older brother.
Emree: this name means an older brother or a loving friend.
Emry: an older brother or a loving friend is signified by this name.
Emrys: immortal.
Ems: the whole universe.
Emudiaga: Let's stand firmly
Emuobosa: Your own thing is precious
Emuvoke: Everything has time
Emyr: a worthy ruler.
Enabarr: this name means birdhead.
Enabarri: a birdhead is signified by this name.
Enajina: One of many names of Lord Shiva in Tamil
Enakpodia: The way life should to be
Enakulesh: A King, Emperor; One of many names of Lord Sri Ram
Enam: god's gift.
Enamul: prosperity.
Enan: cloud.
Enando: bold venture.
Enapay: brave and powerful.
Enar: A fighter.
Enavada: one with a spotted speech or truthful.
Enayat: grace, kindness or blessing.
Encarna: this name means someone who is blessed or kind.
Enda: bird or bird like.
Ender: in Turkish language it means scarce.
Enderby: it is a famous English surname.
Endrik: Estonian form of Hendrik. It means ruler of the home.
Endrit: to shine or have light.
Endymion: to dive into or to enter.
Ene: an eagle, in Frisian it is masculine but in Estonian it is feminine.
Enea: the ninth born.
Eneas: it means praise.
Enej: Slovenian word for praise.
Enemnogenus: a fierce birdlike person.
Enes: He who is sociable.
Enestinus: masculine form of beauty.
Eneviri: a holy and revered saint.
Engel: German word for angel.
Engelard: brave and illuminating like light.
Engelbert: a famous 13th century archbishop.
Engeled: a description of the word angelic or a possible old English refrence to England.
Engelram: an extremely pure soul or an angel.
Enguerrand: Raven
Engunan: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Eniola: a wealthy person.
Enis: One who is friendly.
Enitekiru: Think before you act
Enivwenaye: Compare my success with those of my enemies
Enmei: bright circle or life sustaining.
Enniaun: the family name of a great writer during ancient Roman civilization.
Ennio: the Italian form of the word Ennius, a famous poet during Roman civilization.
Ennis: this means the only choice.
Enno: strong with a sword.
Eno: a person who is extremely strong with a sword.
Enoch: it means dedicated.
Enofe: One who is rich.
Enos: the grandson of Adam and Eve, the first human beings on earth.
Enric: it means head of the household.
Enrico: one who rules the home.
Enrique: ruler of an estate.
Enriquez: a person who owns large estates and rules them.
Ensar: it means helpers.
Ensio: it means first.
Entilak: Marked, Noticeable; One of many names referring to Moon
Entilaka: it means marked.
Entolan: My Friend, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Entriken: a family name of a famous ancient dynasty from Great Britain.
Enver: it means bright.
Enyinnaya: His father's friend.
Enyon: The name is derived from Latin name Annianus. It means belonging to the gens of Annius.
Enzio: a ruler at home.
Enzo: it means someone who rules a estate or a house.
Enzokuhle: Expected to do great things, Do good
Eofor: a boar in Old English.
Eoforheard: a firm wild boar.
Eoforich: during the Norman conquests a battle concerning boars.
Eoforweald: a brave leader.
Eoforwic: someone from the bear state.
Eoghan: born of yew or youhtful.
Eohhere: an ancient name meaning someone from the ancient lake country.
Eohric: a very powerful ruler.
Eoin: god is good or god's gift.
Eomer: famous war horse.
Eonan: oath or little seal.
Eoppa: a royal prince.
Eorcenbehrt: a prince riding on a stallion.
Eorcna: someone who rides a stallion.
Eorconbeald: a mounted stallion.
Eorconbehrt: a German word for a mounted stallion.
Eorcongota: a German word meaning horse or a stallion.
Eorconweald: an Anglo-Saxon word for a mounted stallion.
Eored: cavalry or band or troop.
Eorkonweald: a group of horse mounted riders of Rohirrim.
Eorl: a nobleman or chief of a tribe.
Eorland: a noblemen's land.
Eorlland: a land belonging to noblemen.
Eorlson: a nobleman's son.
Eormenburh: people belonging to noblemen's land
Eormengard: a strong person from a nobleman's land.
Eormengild: it means public pledge.
Eormenraed: an Irish word meaning a public oath.
Eormenread: somebody who has undertaken a public oath.
Eorp: Greek mythological word for Europe.
Eorphere: a word used in Greek mythology for describing Europe.
Eorpwald: a king of East Anglia.
Eosterwine: an ancient Christianity father in Anglo-Saxon culture.
Epaphras: Foamy
Epaphroditos: He who is lovely and charming.
Ephesian: a desirable person.
Ephraim: Joseph's son in the Old Testament.
Ephram: it is a Hebrew word for fruitful.
Ephrem: tremendously abundant or fruitful.
Ephron: overly fruitful in nature.
Epic: a long story or novel.
Epicelena: a very long narrative or story or novel.
Epifanio: revelation of god.
Epiktetos: Newly acquired
Epimetheus: hindsight or after thinker.
Epinegris: a character from Greek mythology.
Epinegrus: a famous character from Greek mythology who was believed to have supernatural powers.
Epiphanes: Appearing, or manifesting
Eppa: charming.
Eppo: a Finnish word for a character of a Shakespearean play Comedy of Errors.
Eqbal: prosperity or success.
Er: A pure water, clean, a watchman or observant
Erach: Noble, Name of youngest son of King Farridoon; Belonging to Iran;
Eragon: a fictional character who rides a dragon.
Erajh: Morning light
Eral: somebody of nobility.
Eran: follower or awakened.
Eranvej: Land of Aryans, Home of the Aryans; Iranian Expanse
Erardo: brave and honourable.
Erasma: a highly loved or beloved individual.
Erasmo: beloved or someone who is loved by all.
Erasmus: desired or beloved or worthy or love, Saint Erasmus.
Erasto: an Italian word meaning beloved or highly loving.
Erastus: A Greek word for loving or beloved.
Eravant: Son of Arjuna and Uloopi, A variant spelling is Eravanth
Eravanth: Son of Arjuna and Uloopi, A variant spelling is Eravant
Eravantha: Son of Arjuna and Uloopi, A variant spelling is Eravanth
Erawat: The celestial white elephant of Lord Indra, A variant spelling is Airawat
Erazem: Slovene form of Erasmus, meaning 'beloved'.
Erbic: an Arabic baby name for love.
Erbin: legendary son of Cushtenhin.
Erbir: lover of god.
Erchambaut: a British word meaning loved by all.
Erchanbold: sacred or bold.
Erchanhardt: a German word meaning sacred and pious.
Erchebald: a German word which means something which is sacred and pious in essence and form.
Erchembaut: a German word meaning sacrosanct.
Ercole: it means gift.
Erconbert: an old king of Kent.
Erdelan: A royal family
Erden: Treasure
Erec: always mighty.
Erek: a French word which means always mighty.
Erekle: Georgian form of Herakleios, meaning glory of Hera
Erel: it literally means I see god.
Erembour: a character from mythology who rides shadows.
Erembourc: a French mythological character who rides shadows.
Eremias: God will uplift
Eren: a Turkish word meaning saint.
Erez: a tall and strong tree, cedar.
Erezwa: One who is holy and righteous.
Ergin: ripe, matured or seasoned.
Erhard: honour and respect.
Erhardt: brave, hardy, honour and respect.
Erhart: a German word meaning honour and respect.
Erheer: a Punjabi word meaning diamond.
Erhiaganoma: Guardian spirit overpowers the body
Erhimeyoma: My guardian spirit (God) is good
Erhinyoja: God hears our prayers
Erhinyuse: God answers our prayers
Erhiroghene: The spirit of God
Erhue: A special breed of cow used for traditional ceremonies
Erhuvwun: Beauty
Eri: a poetic name for Ireland.
Eriah: the lord is god.
Eric: ever or eternal ruler.
Erich: ruler of the people.
Erick: a word which means someone who rules the people.
Erickson: son of Erik, son of ruler.
Erico: someone who rules the people of a land.
Ericson: son of a ruler named Erik.
Eridian: someone belonging to the planet Eris.
Erik: a ruler of the world.
Eriko: a Spanish word meaning ruler of the people.
Erikson: son or Erik, ruler of the people.
Erikur: A form of Eric, meaning peaceful ruler.
Êrimât: Greenlandic form of Herman, meaning army man.
Erin: Gaelic word meaning peace, also a poetic way of referring to Ireland.
Erinn: poets use it to describe Ireland or peace.
Erion: the wind from Ion sea.
Erish: To cherish, To hold dear; Beloved; Dearmost
Erisman: An honorable man.