We have created a list of 1883 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter K. This is Page 9 out of 10 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Krie: Krie means I am Stronger than You
Krina: Krina means Beautiful
Krintani: Krintani means A Cutting Instrument
Krintanika: The name means Cutting instrument
Kripa: Kripa means Mercy
Kripa compassion: The name means Compassion
Kripi: Kripi means Beautiful, Lovely
Krisalyn: Means Beautiful Bearer of Christ
Krisangi: The name means Of a Delicate Frame
Krise: Krise means The One With Curly Hair
Krisha: Krisha means Divine
Krishadari: The meaning of the name is Thin Wasted
Krishi: Krishi means Farming, Agriculture
Krishna: Krishna means All-Attractive
Krishnakali: Krishnakali means A Flower
Krishnaveni: The name means River
Krisnarchi: the name means Fire
Krison: Krison means Follower of Jesus
Krispy: Fresh, super crunchy, Spell variant of crispy
Krista: Krista means Christian
Kristal: Kirstal means Ice
Kristalena: The name means Sparkling
Kristalyn: The name means Sparkle
Kristeen: The name means Christian
Kristeena: Latin - Christian Woman, A follower of Christ; A variant form of Christina
Kristel: Kristel means A Christian
Kristen: Kristen means The one Who is The Follower of Christ
Kristena: Means Jesus Follower
Kristi: Kristi means Christ's Follower
Kristia: Kristia means She Who Follows Christ
Kristiana: Latin - Christian Woman, A follower of Christ; A variant form of Christina
Kristiane: Kristiane means A Christian. One Who Loves Christ
Kristiania: The name means The one who follows Christ
Kristianna: Latin - Christian Woman, A follower of Christ; A variant form of Christina
Kristianne: Latin - Christian Woman, A follower of Christ; A variant form of Christina
Kristie: Kristie means Christian Follower
Kristiina: Kristiina means Follower of Christ
Kristin: Kristin means She Who Follows Christ
Kristina: A woman of Christian faith
Kristine: A woman whose relgion is Christianity
Kristinn: Shw who believes in Christ
Kristiyana: A Christian woman.
Kristjana: Icelandic form of Kristina, meaning follower of Christ.
Kristol: A woman who is made of ice, or crystals
Kristy: A crystal-like woman
Kristyle: An ice-like woman
Kristyn: A follower of Christ
Kristýna: Follower of Christ.
Kristyne: A christian girl
Krisztina: She who is a christian
Kritanjali: Respectfully and most humbely folded hand
Kritanta: God of death
Kriti: A work of art
Kritika: A cluster of stars in constellation, Sic sisters from hindu mythology
Krittika: The name means Plaids or A Star's Name
Krizia: Krizia means Richnes, Wealth
Krpana: Krpana means Patchwork
Krpanaka: The name means Ptchwork
Krsnika: Krsnika means Made of Blackness
Krupa: Krupa name means Favor
Krupali: Krupali means The one who is Forgiving
Krushi: Krushi means She is Hardworking
Kruthika: Kruthika means a Star on the Sky
Kruti: Kruti means Creating a Novel
Krysia: The name means of Christian Faith
Kryska: Kryska means a Follower of Christ
Krysta: Kysta means She is a Christian
Krystabelle: Sparkling, K from the Greek Spelling of Krystallos; Krystal is a variant form of Krystabelle
Krystal: The name means She Follows Christ
Krystalyn: The name means Her Faith is Christian
Krystalynn: The meaning of the name is She of Christian Faith
Krysten: Krysten means Woman who is Christian
Krystian: Krysian means He Who belongs to Christian Faith
Krystiana: The name means She sho belongs to Christian Faith
Krystianna: The name means Woman of Christian Faith
Krystin: Krystin means the one Faithful to Christ
Krystina: Krystina means Her Faith lies in Christ
Krystka: Krystka means She is Christian
Krystle: Krystle means Clear Glass with No Colour
Krystyn: The name means Her religion is Christianity
Krystyna: Krystyna means The Follower of the Christ
Ksaman: Ksaman means Beautiful like a Jasmine
Ksema: Ksema means Traquility
Ksena: Ksena means Praise to the God
Ksenia: Ksenia means hospitality
Ksenija: Ksenija means hospotality, a stranger or a guest
Kseniya: The name means Stranger
Ksenya: Ksenya means a Guest
Kshama: Kshama means She is Forgiving
Kshamya: The name Kshamya means Earth
Kshanaprabha: The name means Lightening
Kshanika: Kshanika means Momentary
Kshema: Kshema means She is Peaceful and Tranquil
Kshemaraja: The name means The Place of Peacefullness
Kshemya: The name means One Who Brings Welfare
Kshipa: Kshipa means Darkness, Night
Kshipra: Kshipra in a name of an Indian River
Kshipva: The name means The Elasticized One
Kshiraja: Kshiraja means Goddes Lakshmi
Kshirin: The name means Flower
Kshirja: The name means The Goddes Lakshmi
Kshitesh: Kshitesh means Earth
Kshiti: Kshiti means Earth
Kshitija: Kshitija name means The Horizon, The spot where Sky and Earth meet
Kuaybah: A daughter of the Saad al-Asmaliyah who offered allegaence to Prophet PBUH
Kubra: Kubra means Great,Senior
Kubrea: Kubrea means Older, Senior
Kubria: Kubria means Great,Older
Kubwa: Kubwa means Large
Kuchasthala: The name means A city where Krishna stayed the night on his way to the court of Dhritarashtra.
Kuchika: The name means Painter Brush
Kudesia: A pure person, a pure angel
Kufreabasi: Do not forget God, one who always remembers God.
Kuhaki: The name means Enchanter
Kuhakini: Kuhakini means a Female Magician
Kuhan: One who is diligent and persevering worker
Kuhelika: Kuhelika means Fog, Mist
Kuhoo: The name means The Note of the Cuckoo
Kuhu: Means Cuckoo Bird Song
Kuhuk: The name means Koyalia, Bird
Kuja: Kuja means Goddess Durga
Kulabati: The name means Belonging to the Respectable Family
Kulamani: Means Jewel of the Family
Kulap: The flower rose.
Kulika: Kulika means from a Good Family
Kuljot: Kuljot means Light of the Family
Kulminder: The name means King of the Family
Kulooq: The huge one
Kulpynai: Strawberry
Kulroop: Kulroop means Embodiment of Family
Kulsoom: Kilsoom means One who has Full Healthy Cheeks
Kulsum: Kulsum means Beautiful
Kulthoom: The name means Daughter of the Prophet
Kulthum: Kulthoom means Prophet's Daughter
Kulus: Kulus means Clearness, Purity
Kulvinder: Kulvinder means Familily od the God of Heaven
Kulwinder: The name means Family of God and Heaven
Kuma: Kuma means Bear
Kumani: Kumani means Destiny
Kumari: Kumari means Princess
Kumaria: The name means A Princess, another name for the Lord Durga
Kumba: Kumba means Black Fruit Tree
Kumi: Kumi means Forever Beautiful
Kumiko: Kumiko means Companion Child
Kumkum: Kumkum means Vermilion
Kumud: Kumud means Lotus
Kumuda: Kumuda means Pleasure of the Earth, Lotus
Kumudini: Kumudini means White Lotus. Moon Light
Kunda: Kunda means Jasmine Blossom
Kundalpur: Kandalpu is the name of The Wife of Krishna
Kundanika: The name means Girl of Gold
Kunika: The name means Flower, Jasmin
Kunisha: Kunisha means means the bird Nightingale
Kunj: Kunj means Overgrown trees, About
Kunjal: Kunjal means Nightingale
Kunjalata: Kunjalata means A Wild Climber Plant
Kunjan: Kunjan means A Girl of the Forest
Kunjana: Kunjana maens Forest Girl
Kunjari: The name means the animal Elephant
Kunju: Kunju means She lookls like a small Bird
Kunsa: The name means Angel
Kunshi: Kunshi means To Shine
Kunsulu: Beauty or beautiful
Kunta: Kunta is a name of Islamic Tribe in Africa
Kuntal: The name means Hair
Kuntala: Kuntala means Woman with beautiful, luxurious hair
Kunthea: Sweet smelling or beautiful fragrance.
Kunti: The name Kunti means She is a Lover of the Sun God
Kunti-madri: This is the name of the Queen of King Pandu
Kunto: Th name means Third Born Child
Kuntum: Flower bud
Kupara: The name means Hair
Kupika: Kupika means Lamp
Kura: The name means Treasure House
Kuram: The name means The One who Honors the Others
Kurangi: The name means Doe
Kuranpreet: The name means Lord Kirshna
Kurbiika: Proud
Kuri: Kuri means Chestnut
Kurian: Kurian is the name of a Christian village in Iran
Kurinji: Kurinji means a very special flower that blooms once on twelve years
Kuron: The name means Giving Thanks
Kurtney: The name means From French Town Courtenay
Kurukshetra: The name means Holy Place
Kusa: The sacred grass
Kusha: Kusha means Talented One
Kushaaneh: A girl who strives
Kushala: Kushala name has more meanigns, like Happy, Safe or an Expert
Kushali: The name means She is the Clever One
Kushmandini: A Jain yakshini
Kusum: The name means a Sort of Flower
Kusuma: The name means Like a Flower
Kusumanjali: The meaning of the name is The Offering of the Flowers
Kusumavati: The name means Spring Flowers
Kusumita: The name means Blossoming of the Flowers
Kusumkali: The name means a Kind of a Flower
Kusumkalika: The meaning of the name is She is like a Flower
Kusumkomol: The name means She is Soft as a Flower
Kusumlata: Tha meaning of the name is The creeper that flowers
Kusumodini: The name means She is the Queen of the Flowers