गमले में लगा
This is the snake that gardeners frequently glimpse as it zips through a bed of flowers or a potted fern.
माली इस सांप को अक्सर बागानों में फूलों की क्यारियों अथवा गमलों में लगे पर्णांगों मे से गुजरते हुए देखते हैं ।
If this sounds familiar, perhaps it is because of a similar scenario in the late 1940s, when Soviet - backed organizations threatened Europe. The four authors provide a helpful potted history of American network - building in the early Cold War years - in part to show that such an effort can succeed against a totalitarian enemy, in part to suggest ideas for tackling contemporary problems.
यह सहज सा लगता है । यह 1940 के अन्त जैसा दिखता है जब सोवियत संघ समर्थक संगठनों ने समस्त यूरोप को भयाक्रान्त कर रखा था ।