Every third person is ,these days, active on Instagram. Everyone is always talking about pictures,posts ,memes and followers etc . Social media has been a great thing since it has come into place but these days it has done nothing, but made our lives a little hectic. All the time,we keep ourselves so busy entertaining our followers that we forget to give ourselves the time we require. Keeping our followers happy so that they don't unfollow us,posting stories to show off to our friends that we are living a better life than them or posting anything to show how we are feeling, these are the things which are done by us most of the times . We need to know what's the latest trend so that we can follow it as well. We update everything on our social media accounts to gain attention.
Basically, the whole social media thing has made us habitual of attention , we want someone constantly to look up to us and for this attention ,we try to do everything possible. We post everything without caring kit the after effects , relating to our personal life which could be used against us afterwards. We tend to be cooler , outspoken on Instagram ,we speak anything behind a social media profile without knowing the after effects. We find it easier to talk hiding behind some identity but in real life,it makes our interaction difficult with people. Moreover the urge to be more popular than our peers prompts us to do anything without caring if it's wrong or right. People aren't able to express themselves personally but they can do so on social media platforms only. It's basically a fashion to maintain a social media profile , everyone has a profile on Facebook,Instagram or Snapchat whether they know the correct use of these apps or not. There have been cases where people have been the victims of social media black mailing or trolling. Our privacy is also being invaded by social media.
At the end of the day ,everybody knows what's happening in our lives and everybody makes fun of us and judges us by the way we post . These things later give people the opportunity to use things against us. Social media isn't a bad thing unless we use it wisely ,it can be boon for us. We can find new people, interact with them , increase our knowledge but we must do everything in limits.