5 Movies That Will Light Up Your Day!

Arshiya Ahamed
May 10, 2019   •  19 views

Need a distraction from life's monotony? How about a stroll down memory lane? If there is one certain, it's that there are several movies that will instantly put a smile on your face.So get ready with your popcorn and drinks! Let us stroll down the list for a guaranteed mood booster and a brighter day!

Maleficent (2014)

Far far away in the realm of magic and adventure, Maleficent instantly lifts your spirits with compassion and warmth.This dark fantasy film reminds us of the light present at the end of the tunnel. The protagonist- a vengeful fairy, is driven to curse an infant princess out of hatred, only to discover that she has come to love this child through the course of years.

Mean Girls(2004)

You don't have to be anybody else to be happy, you have to be 'You'. Unraveling the shenanigans from high school, this romantic comedy inspires you to be the possible version of yourself. A group of four girls in high school compete to be in the center of the spotlight, where they gradually embrace the importance of friendship. So take a stroll down your high school years and reminisce away!

Frozen (2013)

Yes, it only takes a spoonful of love to melt the cold ice of uncertainty. Join Anna and Elsa in their wonderful escapades of love and optimism. The comfort of a family can even melt the coldest ice. This extravaganza of self-discovery is what anyone needs for their gloomy day. Life is hard enough as it is, why not get a happy movie out of it?

The Hangover

If there is one movie that guarantees your laughter, its the hangover! For a bachelor party, three best men and the groom take a road trip to Las Vegas. They wake up prior to the wedding,the next morning only to realize that they have, not only have they lost the groom but also have no recollection of their previous night. Each of these unique characters will make you forget all your problems! You can keep your mind aside and enjoy the unlimited laughter riot!

Isn't this romantic? (2019)

Not following the usual course of a romance, if you are up for a twist this is the perfect movie for you. Breaking all stereotypes, Natalie begins her mission of finding love through a tedious yet humorous journey, only to realise that self-love, is all that prevails. This movie will definitely put you on cloud nine.

