LIFE…the simple four letter word but with the biggest meaning. Everything is only for this simple four letter word. Ever think while sitting at the rooftop about what really is life?

Life is a journey. The one whose path is different for everyone, whose destination is different for everyone, whose obstacles in the path is different for everyone from the birth till eternity. Still, everyone tries to copy others unknown to the fact that everyone has different question paper of life. Everyone do comparison between each other, tries to dominate each other without realizing that none of them has the same journey.

"Life is a surprise and a miracle. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Really it feels like a miracle. Nobody can tell when a small child studying in streetlight can become a multimillionaire and nobody can tell when a failed person who lost everything can rise with again having everything he wants in like."

The path full of hardships, pain, struggle, joy, celebration and special moments which will lead us to our destination is called life.The road may not be smooth, on the way we will fall, we get hurt, we will cry but only we have to keep going. Surely the road will lead us to the destination where we want to go one day. We will definitely achieve it one day. On the way, it will test our weakness, strengths, courage and faith.

"Faith is another name of life". Faith that one day everything will be fine. Faith that we will live and live happily. Every day we woke up we have faith that we will come back at night alive. The faith that our hard work will be paid, the faith that we will get what we deserve one day. The faith that we will shine one day. The faith that everything happens or a good reason.

A story where everyone deserves a happy ending is life. Where there is love, pain, happiness, sadness every emotion to make it an interesting one. Just don’t ruin your own story with hatred, jealousy, ego and selfishness. You are going to write your own story, so write it filled with colours of happiness, motivation and inspiration.Always follow your heart and never have regrets…

