"One Is Not Born A Woman, But Becomes One"

Gourav Dalal
Jul 16, 2019   •  257 views

The statement was made by the female existentialist philosopher Simone De Beauvoir in her book called the 'Second Sex'. It alludes to the notion of women that is brought about by societal and Physiological conditioning. Hence Womanhood is accomplished not attributed or being innate.

Conditioning, both classical and operant, entails alteration in behavior and concomitant changes in one‘s identity. A woman is conditioned by her physiology of her capacity to harbor children and by society by a combination of outer and inner agents, such as her teacher or Father, in her surroundings.

Physiological conditioning starts from a very early age right from endowments including skirts that hinder free movement and the ability to climb trees, enjoy play. It is at this point a girl winds up mindful of the contrast between herself and boys. In India the woman has greater exposure to conditioning and its effects henceforth. She is told of the appetites of men and how she must behave in front of them. She is told to obey a combination of rules and has her movements severely constrained.

Social conditioning of women is a significantly evident in India. It is practised by the conforming of women to their societal expectations, even ones alien to them. This can be clearly understood upon examination of the societal role of 'Wife'. From a young age women are instructed to see their social standing in connection to theirs husbands or fathers. Her duties to her husband are learnt by watching her mother or movies or any other external source which depict this relation. Progress for her is made through man in her life and to identify with his prosperity. They hardly find tolerating partners treating them as individuals and constantly experience covert societal resentment for their failure to meet these 'admired adaptations of Wife'.

Although we as a nation embrace liberal beliefs and promise equality under the constitution our alief (habitual belief-like attitude) is still backward. Why is it right for men to expect women to cook and clean when they both earn the same amount of money? This is the denouement of women operating in a man centric structure. Any endeavour at development is met with systematic and persistent hardships and her struggles are not met with sympathies. In India, a orthodox society, strictly defined roles with both customary and religious authenticity are powerful and have colossal impact.

It does make wonder, why can she not stop Becoming a societal woman? Virginia Woolf composed book called a room of one‘s own arguing for the need to find a space for development without external molding. A arrangement to avoid the molding effects of society and develop as an independentent individual however this will not be enough since the societal notion of a woman and their identity found does not change the very basic man centric structure.

We need a more fundamental change. She needs to regain her agency. J.J. Rousseau noted in the 'Origins of inequality' a direct relation between dependence and inequality and that inequality cannot exist without dependence. If women were thoroughly independent economically and empowered politically and socially, and in sufficient numbers it may be possible for them to develop rather than become.Thus, to enjoy the agency that men enjoy and for the creation of a society where one‘s anatomy is not the primary determinant of one‘s role should be a goal of our country. Untill then however ―one is not born a women, but becomes one.

