Faith Can Move Mountains Or Create One!

Anannya Sahani
Jun 09, 2019   •  42 views

Faith - An over empowering emotion yet futile if not channelled and backed up by spontaneous, pragmatic intelligence.

Humans are one of the most intricate beings, blessed with intelligence and emotions which if dealt with sensitivity and sensibility has the power to creativity and destructibility. Among all the facilities, the most fragile yet most powerful is the facility of trust. Faith allows one to be vulnerable and submissive as one looks beyond oneself and allows itself to simply go with the flow.

The universe has blessed humans with multifaceted intelligence that can sustain various finer aspects of life if allowed to by surrender. The surrender that comes by faith and ever encompassing love.

Every religion preaches to have faith on the divine force which is present in everything. Interestingly, a lot of scholars speak about the power of this faith. Gregg Braden 's book - The spontaneous healing of belief speaks in volumes about same.

The drama surrounding each one of us is so indifferent to one who walks with faith but not with pompous arrogance. What matters is faith, backed up by intelligence and well supported by channelled actions. One can't have faith without love and surrender. They are like sisters who love each other dearly and are absolutely inseparable. But faith on what? Is it on oneself or simply that things will change for better or simply on one's beliefs or intuitions? It's simply a personal choice and involves an exercise of freewill.

It's a saying that one learns to trust with age and time. It comes with a maturity that one can't learn, do and control everything. Surprisingly, it happens naturally and gradually on stuff one never anticipated.

Interestingly, the general tendency of humans as such is that we believe in stuff that excites us and keeps us engaged. The more the involvement, the more real it is for us. Surprisingly, the reverse is true. Truth just simply exists it doesn't need to be told, it is simply realised if one is open to perception. Every truth can only be perceived with the eyes of faith and perseverance. What lasts forever is the everlasting truth that nothing is everything and everything is nothing. Metaphysics conveys the same - Universe has come from nothing and has the potential to get back to nothingness.

The world 's perception of faith and perseverance is that it is a sign of coping mechanism to the worst. Indeed, it outlines what one is capable of achieving if one walks and works with faith in oneself as well as in one's work!

It's funny how a person blessed with materialistic fulfilment might feel the void within incessantly. Yet, the general belief holds the materialistic gains leads to a sense of completion within. Whereas, the reverse holds true. Faith within oneself and on one's inclinations, potential, capabilities, thinking, interpretation as well as when accompanied with a sense of gratitude and humility has a power to change and create anything. The effect of actions done with firm belief is ever encompassing. It is necessary to realise that one can't quench thirst from an empty well. It is impossible to create or sustain anything without faith.

But is it powerful enough to bring revolution? Can it bring evolution and transformation? Or is it simply a choice of being blind to the existential reality? It depends on one's approach whether one chooses to see the reality where one can. It's a choice to believe in reality and perceive it or due to one's hollow ego be blind to the existence via one's disbeliefs.

Faith comes with perseverance!

But can it stay? Is faith prerequisite to transformation? Is faith the creative force behind everything ? Does this imply faith can be creative if one acts with it and destructive if one doesn't act with it?

Faith can move mountains or simply create one!

