It was one of those times.
I sat on the couch, a notebook and pen in my hand.
You walked around the room talking about everything, from Marx to Byron.
The sound of rain outside mingled with Chopin's tunes.
I looked at you and smiled as verses formed in my head.
Eyes glazed over and suddenly your voice was just an echo in the room.
Our coffee mugs were still warm; I wasn't aware of it. Otherwise I would have held them for warmth.
I think you sat down beside me and put your arm around me,
Peered into my half-written verse.
I jumped- out of my trance, and closed my notebook.
"I told you I would show them to you once I finished !"
You merely smiled, pulled me closer.
The coffee mugs remained untouched, I didn't need them now.
You were here after all. You were the one warmth I wanted.
Chopin ended, Lennon began. Rain continued.
As I looked up into your brown eyes, I knew whom I wanted to dedicate my next verse to.

It was an old movie.
But then, we weren't new either, were we ?
I remembered the times, the times we craved for each other's touch.
The movie seemed more interesting now.
I remembered the times, the times our eyes widened, unable to believe that we belonged to each other, our words full of passion.

My voice felt hollow now.
We were sitting so close, my love.
But didn't you feel the light years between us ?
I did.
And it pained me to think; to think that it might as well be our last night together.
Tomorrow, you'll be gone with the popcorn. And I'll be left with my half-eaten fries.
Tomorrow, you'll find someone else to share your bed. And I might find someone to warm my couch.
But you'll always remain hidden in my verses, my love.
Light years can't change that.


