I’m happy to offer some of my thoughts and ideas below, and I’d love to hear from you, too. How much of yourself do you share on social media? And do you feel it’s enough? Let’s discuss together.
When I try to wrap my head around the notionof how much of myself to share on social media, I often end up with a jumble of words and ideas.
Sharing is the action of making others interact with you and enjoy what you have along with you.Ever since social media started, sharing became more popular since one of the main purpose of social media platforms is to share things about ourselves with other people that follow us.Sharing on social media is more self-centered than in real life,it is only because they want to show-off something and brag about it; on the other hand.
Are we sharing too much so as to show off and make relationships with people . Now's that's the real question as trurth reflects in the question itself. 78% of the NYT survey respondents indicated that they shared information to stay in contact with people who they otherwise might lose track of, or who would slip out of their lives.By sharing things that will potentially get these friends engaged, people can keep those friends’ attention and feeling of friendship long after they stop seeing them on a regular basis.
For self expression?
For 68% of respondents, sharing is about showing other people what they care about and who they are, whether it’s to their followers, their friends, or the world at large.In real life, what we share doesn’t have to go public, you can share an opinion with someone or experience and they could keep it to themselves; however on social media whether your account is private or public sharing or liking something can be seen by many people, if you have a private account then it will be seen by those you accept to follow you.
Why we like or dislike something on social media ?
We do this because we want to maintain relationships. When we favorite and like each other’s posts,we add valueto the relationship, and reinforce that closeness.You seereciprocity on Instagram as well,where receiving a tag or direct message makes you feel compelled to send one back. And anytime you receive a like on yourprofile, you’ll probably feel a little pull to reciprocate in some way, whether it’s by sharing something in return, signing up for an email list, etc.
The internet is increasingly becoming useful to many people all around the world. There are millions of people accessing it every day and
there seems to be that we are just beginning to see a world that will fully be preoccupied with it now and in the future. However, there is a concern at the rate at which this is happening and the long hours spent online.
It's time to understand the need for your own self . Instead of being a smartphone user be the smart user. Do something productive and creative off the screen. Before, you explode out of the fake bubble around you, decide. Social life isn't the real life .