How To Beat The Heat This Summer

Abhishek Kumar
Apr 11, 2019   •  8 views

Summer season has officially arrived in India and one thing we know about it is that, it’s harsh and merciless. Your energy levels go down as soon as you step out of the house. Dehydration is the common problem we all face due to the summer heat. Dehydration means our body loses more water than we consume. One does not need to learn hardcore biology to know that more than 60% of our body is made of water and if the human body doesn’t get enough of it, surely it will not be a good thing for us.

The most common symptoms of dehydration apart from thirst are:-
1. Dry Skin
2. Dry mouth and lips
3. Dark yellow urine
4. Headache and Dizziness
5. Exhaustion
6. Unconsciousness


1. Drink water. It’s the most basic advice you need to follow every summer season to stay hydrated. If you don’t like drinking plain water, mix it up with Glucon-d or any other fruit flavored juice, which would provide you the dash of taste you need.

2. Coconut water consumption is another delightful way of staying hydrated during the summers. It contains all the essential minerals and vitamins to keep you energized. It lacks portability but don’t worry, in India you will find it selling on every corner of any street.

3. Avoid excessive drinking of tea and coffee. As we all know that both of these contain caffeine, which is dehydrating, but only if taken in excessive amounts. The trick lies in knowing when to stop. Two cups a day will help you add to your water needs of the day.

4. Including proper intake of seasonal fruits like watermelon, musk melon and litichis in your diet will go a long way in keeping you hydrated all the time during this dreadful summer season. These fruits have excellent water content and will complete your water needs. Bananas are extremely rich in potassium, which also keeps you hydrated. Carrying fruits along with you will not be a hard task and you can much on them anywhere and anytime as per your wish.

5. Stay away from fried foods as much as possible. These foods make you dehydrate fast because of the high salt content in them. Items like burger, fries and other fried and processed foods are not good for your health and will make your body starve more for water. Avoiding spicy food also comes under this. It might be hard task to do as Indian food is synonymous with spicy food but it’s still better than being dehydrated and losing water all the time. I am not recommending to avoid spicy food altogether but you can opt for lower level of salt and spices in your food.



Profile of Nissi Keerthi
Nissi Keerthi  •  5y  •  Reply
very informative