There have been several studies which prove that looks do matter. It's somehow true and can't be denied but as long as it used to judge a person personally. There are certain fields that require good looks and there are many people who prefer looks to other qualities in a person. But when there starts a comparison based on looks, thats where the problem starts. One person cannot judge the level of beauty of another, because its rather a matter of their personal choice. What's beautiful for one might not be the same for other, it rather depends from person to person. Each person on this planet is unique. And in the same way our perspective about different people is also unique.
Here are a few reasons why looks based comparison is illogical.
One cannot compare two persons even on the basis of their looks. Comparison on the basis of other characteristics is in a way possible, to judge which person is good in particular sport, there is some standard parameter. To judge the intelligence level of a person, there is some standard IQ level which needs to be crossed. But can there be a standard parameter for beauty?
Not two countries on this planet could be called similar in terms of vegetation, temperature or climate. If one country is really hot, there might be another where the sun rays don't even reach. That affects the complete system of a person and thus it affects their looks.
In todays world there a lot of diseases, allergies, and one never knows when they might get it and it might completely change how they look. And if we talk of India there have been a lot of cases of acid attacks. What of them? Will they be considered less beautiful.
Looks are something that keep on changing, as one grows they go through a lot of changes, internally as well as externally. And hence with age, looks of a person changes.
Looks are something that differ from person to person, and how good they look is based on one's personal choice. And looks keep on changing even in one particular person, how they looked ten years back might be a lot different than how they look now, how one looks in summers might not be the same as how they look in winters. There are a lot of factors that affect it and hence comparison based on looks is absurd.