Psychology: well, this is a word which we always relate with mind.
Well what if we break this word, what will we get?
·Psyche: soulmind.
Clearly it means study of mind. The word’s origin is Latin and is being used since 17 century.
It’s a discipline which uses systematic techniques and measures to determine a certain attribute of one’s personality.
Well we have always heard that every individual is different from one another but we never cared about thinking that why we all aren’t exactly same except to have only two eyes, hand, ears, legs etc.
Well, psychology Have answer to this.
Wondering how then let’s see.
Psychology is a disciple which incorporates certain assessment techniques to measure certain attributes in a person’s personality ,it doesn’t mean the other person doesn’t have that ability at all it’s just that the intensity of that attribute in the other person is not same as the former one.
Well take an example to have this more clearly.
Imagine two friends are fighting with each other. Person 1 is shouting loudly and making a chaos where the Person 2 is trying to stop Person 1 and trying to calm him down gently.
Now you will ask where is the attribute of anger in the other person. Well, now see the two are friends and if Person 2 was indulging in a fight with another person (not his friend) he may not have shown the same attitude.
As there are so many attributes in human nature to assess so it makes the study even more large and complex at the same time.
And many time we not just only assess the person on the inside but from the outside (circumstances) too in order to know why a person behaved that way in a particular situation.
And addition to this Psychology doesn’t end its approach here but it extend its way to various domains like intelligence, aptitude etc and to assess these domains we have plenty of assessment methods like interview, case study etc.
Now, let us see these domains (not all of them but a few important ones).
Cognitive: it’s a domain which include intelligence, memory etc.
Biological: it’s a domain which includes all biological processes.
Development: it’s a domain which includes all process which helps in development like learning, language etc.
Social: it’s a domain which helps in social realm of an individual.
Mental health: it in operates the psychiatrist help and treatments for the abnormal.
Now let’s see how we can approach to assess them.
Self-report (self-analysis)
Case study (detailed subject’s study)
Tests (techniques which are helpful in determining the attribute’s intensity).