Let us see now some very famous approaches in studying personality.
The most famous one was given by Sigmund Freud. He was a physician, and developed this in his clinical course. Earlier he used hypnosis to treat his peopleand gradually he notice the patient’s wish to talk out he/she is suffering from and as a result they calm down.
He used many techniques to accomplish his task.
His visualisation repressed our mind in three well known parts:
Pre conscious
And we are well familiar with definition of all the three.
Freud stated that unconscious is like a tank in which our desires reside and also those which are not known to conscious mind (mainly repressed one).
He developed a therapeutic procedure to bring out these repressed unconscious material in conscious mind and as a result it can treated.
He stated that mind has a structure in which three main elements play a very vital role:
Id: these are desires.
Ego: a guard in mind to let or not the desires be fulfilled. It uses defence to escape anxiety as a desire not fulfilled will result in anxiety.
Superego: it is also a guard but it is above ego and id an act as a supervisor that a desire is ethical or not on learned moral basis.
Now let us see what Freud gave to know more how personality develops.
It has five stages.
Foremost stage is.
Oral stage: in which a baby tries to get his/her desires fulfilled through mouth.
Anal Stage: in which child develop a mind to fulfill some of the demands of society and mostly the foremost demand is to control excretion habits.so children mainly get pleasure through anal areas of the boys.
Phallic Stage: in which the main focus is on genitals and a child mainly four or five years old get an experience to differenate between male and female with this male children experience
Oedipus Complex: it is a situation in which a boy shows access amount of love for his mother .On the other hand female get through
Electra Complex which is exactly opposite of former situation.
Latency Stage: now the desire in the former stage gets suppressed and child experience puberty and much of the energy gained is channelized in achievements.
Genital Stage: Now again the problems of Phallic Stage arrives but now a fully mature person knows how to deal with opposite genders.