During the season of summer, we are advised to drink more and more water to protect ourselves from dehydration and to avoid falling ill. We humans are lucky that we have innovated the way to manage, purify and drink water as per our needs. But have you ever thought that the birds who fly in the open hot sky during the summers don't have enough resources for water to end up the thirst as the most of water bodies during the season of summer are dried up? As their need for water is not fulfilled because of the above-mentioned reason, many birds die due to the thirst during the season of summer. Does not it becomes the duty of our fellow human beings to arrange some water for them which will prevent their life and also prevent the various creators on the mother Earth? Imagined happiness that you would feel if you are dying due to thirst and then you look that someone has arranged water for you to drink! The same happiness will be felt by the birds if you feed them with some water to drink during the days of summer.

What you have to simply do is just place a container of water on the terrace or lawn of your house so that the birds can drink that water from it and survive during these hot days of summer. Moreover, not only these birds but this activity will also give you the same happiness. If you think someone's life has been saved because of you, this will make your day and you will make you feel energetic throughout the day. Maybe in return, god will also send someone to help you when you are in a situation of serious trouble, your good work will pay you off. Moreover, you can also leave some grains for them to eat along with water.

Humans are the ones who help the needed ones during the time trouble. So let us show some human behavior towards these birds. The lovely chuckling voice of these birds in your garden would also enhance and freshen up your mind after a hectic day of work! Thus, let us all take a step together to give birds a good life and to help them for their survival. So remember, the next morning you leave from your place for work, put some water in a container and place it on your terrace for the lovely birds!



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Good Work!!Nicely Prepared!!