The Heart Or The Brain: Part 2

Uday Lall
Apr 11, 2019   •  13 views

Here, as you can see, the solutions or decisions that we may see as the most logical and safest may be called the decisions your brain wants you to take. And the decisions which, from a very rational point of view may not hold much credibility, but the desire to still take them, is fuelled by your emotions may be called the decisions your heart wants you to take. So now that we have established the line between decisions that our heart would want us to take and the decisions our brain would want us to take, let us now establish what perfect balance between the two would mean.

To do so, let us again take up the example of the man we considered in the first part of this article. He has a choice now, to either accept the woman or to let her go. To make the perfect decision, he must understand that there are several other factors to consider while making the decision. Was there already another man she wanted to be with, when she broke up with him? Had she been cheating on him? Was she ever serious about their relationship? Or was she just going with the flow and letting things happen as long as she felt like it? And to consider all these things, he’d need to think rationally, analyze her behavior from before the breakup, and come to a conclusion about how she had actually felt about him. Because there was no way he’d get an honest answer from her. He’d also have to consider the risks of accepting her back into his life. What if she left him again? What if the relationship turned toxic? What if she cheated on him? He had never expected her to break up with him, and she had still done so. So, did he really know her? He would then also have to consider if his emotions were inhibiting his ability to take correct decisions for himself and would in turn lead him to a self-destructive corner. But then, he’d also have to consider the fact that he had loved her dearly when she was with him and maybe he still did so, even now. So would letting her go be the right decision? Would he ever find someone else again? Or would he ever feel the same for someone else, the way he did for her? Would he ever be as happy with someone else?

The aforementioned thought process would be what we could call the correct way to make decisions. And in that process, we find our answer. Finding balance between the decisions made by the heart and the brain would require you to evaluate your heart, it’s feelings, it’s decisions and take into account all the rationality your brain brings to the table, use it to determine if your emotions are setting you up for destruction, come to a conclusive decision, and TAKE IT ONLY IF YOU WILL BE HAPPY WITH IT AFTERWARDS.

So yes, it is your brain that you should use more, while making decisions but it should be used in a way that is synchronous with what your heart and emotions want, while ensuring that your decision doesn’t end up faring badly for you.

