Every human being, irrespective of his nationality, cast, religion, sex, is entitled to certain rights. Without these rights one cannot live as a human being. Human rights are certain basic rights without which human being cannot lead a normal civilised life. They are based on the principle of setting up a free, just and peaceful society.

The United Nations met and wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This Declaration was adopted by the UN General Assembly. These rights have been incorporated in the Constitution of our country.

These rights are:

• Rights to life and security of a person.

• Rights to equality before law.

• Right to freedom of thought, expression and religion.

• Prohibition of slavery and servitude.

• Right to equal pay for equal work and favourable remuneration.

Children also have rights:

Rights of a child apply to children till the age of 17. Your RIGHTS are about what you are allowed to do, what the people responsible for you have to do for you, to make sure you are happy, healthy and safe. Of course, you have responsibilities towards other children and adults, to make sure they get their rights.

1. The right to have a name. You have the right to think and your parents should help you learn what is right and wrong. You have the right to find out things, collect information and say what you think through speaking, writing, making art etc unless it breaks the rights of others.

2. The right not to be hurt in anyway. Adults should make sure that you are protected from abuse, violence and neglect. You should never be put in prison except as a last resort, and if you are put in prison, you have the right to special care and regular visits from your family.

3. The right to education. The purpose of education is to develop your personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to the fullest extent. Education should also prepare you to live responsibly and peacefully, in a free society, understanding the rights of people, and respecting the environment. If you are disabled, either mentally or physically, you have the right to special care and education to help you grow up in the same way as other children.

4. The right to good health. This means that you should have medical care and medicines when you are sick. You have the right to be protected from illegal drugs and from sexual abuse. This means that nobody can do anything to your body that you do not want them to do.

5.The right to be protected from working in places or condition that are likely to damage your health, to get in the way of your education.

6. Finally you have the right to learn about your rights and adults should learn about them too.

Human Rights provide fundamental freedom for all men, women and children to develop their qualities, talents and to meet their spiritual and material needs. The Bhagavad Gita (Ch - ll) reads, ' Your right is to perform your duty.' The great message of this verse is that everyone owes a duty towards others and in that he ' indeed has the rights to perform his duty '. The respect for human rights and dignity is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in society. Rights and duties go side by side. Only when we enjoy our rights and perform our duties will we achieve our aim.



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