Mental Health And Its Affect On Young Adults

Sayli Chinchole
Mar 30, 2020   •  12 views

Mental health and its affect on Young adults

Being a Quora Writer, everyday I come across this question. The question of improving your mental health, the question of improving your life. Your mental health is always linked to what your thoughts are about. Coming across all those questions and analysing them I could find a similarity. Would you like to know what?

Let me tell you. These all questions were asked by people who belong to the age group of 15-25. Yes, the Young adults of our society. Mental health in the last some years have become a disease. People who have succeeded and passed with top ranks, have nothing left and to be happy about. Everyone and even some of you reading this might me unhappy about the daily chores about life. Mental health depends on various factors. Some of them I’ve been listing it as follows :

1. Physical health : Your mind works based on the exercises you perform. Surf the net and you will find thousand articles out there telling you to perform Yoga and start gyming. And the reason is the release dopamine. Regular exercises help control the stress anxiety hormones such as adrenaline. Exercise helps in relieving the stress and helps boost your overall mood.

2. Loneliness : People feel lonely at many stages of their life. The reasons for this could vary, the death of spouse, friend, family member, the loss may affect your mental health and lead to clinical depression. To fight this –

• You can go around and wander to different places meet new and old companions or friends who would lift you up.

• You can perform various hobbies that you fall in love with.

3. Domestic violence : Many women fall into depression facing domestic violence by family members. Domestic violence can vary for every woman. It can be physical harm or controlling and torturing the woman to the extent she no longer believes in herself. There are various platforms and helplines to fight this.

Some of these are below-

If you are in crisis right now, call 000.

If you need to speak to a professional counselor call 1800 RESPECT, a national family violence and sexual assault counselling service. Call this free, confidential service, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week on 1800 737 732 to speak with a professional counselor.

For Perth metropolitan area women’s refuges go to

For rural and remote women's refuges go to

For help visit our Support Services page.

4. Unemployment : Unemployment in today’s world is the another problem why people end up going into depression and many of them even commit suicides. Due to this people may go through crises and situations they are unable to handle –

• Difficulty to stay asleep

• Anger, frustration, loss, grief.

• Feeling of embarassment

• Isolation

• Loss of direction in life

5. Alcohol and other Drugs use : There is a strong link between alcohol use and mental illness or mental health. Alcohol and other drug use can also cause anxiety, depression, paranoia and psychosis in those people who have a vulnerability to mental health issues. It can affect your mood and your well-being and leave lasting impacts.

Help and Support –

The Alcohol and Drug Support Serviceprovides free, 24/7, non-judgemental telephone, counselling, information, referral and support lines for alcohol and other drug use or for anyone concerned about a loved one’s alcohol or other drug use.

For information on alcohol and your health visit:

For information on drugs and your health visit:

For information on tobacco and your health visit:

Including all the above factors there can be various other reasons for the mental health issues. Anybody who is going from it now can cope up and face the new challenges. I have been thinking a lot about this issue and pointing out the above reasons for the same.

Nothing is impossible, as the word impossible itself says



