Anunhealthy lifestyleis alifestylebeing lived that is a threat to the person living it whether it be long-term or short term. For example, someone who has bad lungs who smoke.

The habit of teenagers changed surprisingly in the past few years decades and gave born to unhealthy lifestyle and habit which can damage or harm our body.

There have been a very large increase in teens all around the world and some countries are now calming that as much as one third of teens in that country.

The food that a person eats, both regarding quantity and quality will affect body weight and composition. Healthy foods like fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals the body needs. But teenagers are avoiding eating healthy foods .

Nowadays smoking taking drugs is shown as high class habit which not everyone can afford. Teenagers now openly talks about their smoking habit as if it is very pride moment. Something which can be done by brave one or who have courage and guts to do.

But these habits at end will start effecting the lungs and brain and will also reduce life expectancy rate.rather, then showing your bad habits as a reward. Work hard to change them and stop them.

