When i googled the heading, this poped up :-
"Patriotismor national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects."

I googled this subject when Pulwama attack happend. I was terrified because of this inhuman activity. And what's more disgusting was people's reaction from both the sides. All i cared about were those wives who lost their husband, children who lost their father and families who lost their member.

Everyone had their own opinions about this activity and most of them wanted war. According to me war is never a solution. We cannot make an opinion on what our government did as everyone has their own truth to say. But the way they reacted was exactly what was needed at that moment.

One thing that shocked me were children and people of my generation. Shouting "PKMKB" was all they could think about. People who can't even keep their city clean were talking about war.

You must be thinking how do these two things come on the same page.
For me patriotism is everything that takes my country forward. Be it cleaning my street or paying tax to the government. Serving my parents, getting a good job, doing the best i can for the less fortunate people is Patriotism for me.

Although I wish to serve the nation at border when time comes. It has always been my dream to be a Naval officer.

Every citizen of this country should do his or her work with utmost sincerity and passion. One should always keep a track of what's going on in our surroundings. Respecting yourself and others can make this country great and reach the heights we all want to achieve.

